Mouse Trapped in Bathroom: What to do

Ok So My house has had some problems with mice as of late, we are starting to get really concerned that we may have alot of them, and when I say mice I’m more talking about freakin huge rats that live in our basement and come out to eat all our food. Yes these blokes can open up cabnets, move traps and are in general outsmarting us. Well we cracked down on leaving any trash out that was uncovered with a brick on top or leaving any sort of foodscraps that they could get to. This morning when I woke up to take that good ol’ morning pee low and behold I discover a big one in the bathroom trashcan rummaging around. I imediatlly closed the door and blocked off the underneath with a shop towel as to trap him in the bathroom. Now that I know for sure that he is stuck in there, I am left with the problem of how to actually get him out of the house. I have no problem killing him although I would like to leave the bathroom in usable form so suggestions of explosives will be ruled out for that regard. Any other advice on how to remove the pest from within my bathroom would be useful though.

So guys and gals how would you catch a big rat that is traped in your bathroom?

Cheeze and an air rifle. :wink:

teach it to unicycle

Burn down the house!

Poison. Carbide if you wanna watch it explode.

short piece of 4" pipe through a crack in the door dumping into a live trap at the other end. Would have to seal off above the pipe in the doorway.

So if one were to say want to produce chlorine gas, is the proper mixture of chemicals bleach and amonia? I figure our floor is kind of dirty anyway a nice quick spash of bleach and some amonia on top of it should make a nice killer combination or at least a toxic enough cloud in order to get everyone in the house semi f#$ked up and feeling awesome enough to not really care about the rat anymore…

Clorine gas + moisture in your lungs, eyes, nose etc = Acid.
Make sure you get out of the house while you still have an appropriate number of the above mentioned organs.
The good thing about the acid is that with enough of it the rat problem will dissolve itself.

Yea that might not be the best idea I’ve ever had come to think of it…

Probably not a good idea to be gasing your house. Something that kills critters is not going to be good for people either.

Rats have been known to enter houses/apartments through the toilet sewer line. If the critter is indeed a rat, it could be gone by now. If it is a mouse, it could still be in the trash can.

Good luck.

Go out to Fred Meyer and buy a $20 Crossman 760 Pumpmaster. They are UBER powerful (600 FPS compared to the usual 300 FPS) and would kill even a big rat with one shot to the heart or head. When you buy pellets get the pointed crossman ones in the green, round case. Go home with the gun and pellets, put one in, pump it 9 or 10 times for full effect. Head into the bathroom with that badboy, trap him in a corner, and boom! This is the air rifle I have and I have killed many a crow and rat with it, it’s the most powerful air rifle under $50 on the market today! They have it at Fred Meyer and if not there check your local gun shop.

Get a hold of Bugman for at Rat Zapper.

I’ve never been a big fan of firing any type of fire arm inside the house. :roll_eyes:

Tyler, make sure it is Crow Season and I wouldn’t recommend firing any rifle projectile into the air in our urban environment (or any environment actually). What goes up, must come down. BTW, I’ve have a Sheridan pump rifle since about 6th grade and Sheridan CO2 hand gun. Pellet guns can do plenty of damage.

Why do you kill crows? I was in the Seattle area last year and I remember there being a lot of crows. They are somewhat rare in Tennessee. I always thought crows were very smart.

Id move.
I seriously would just leave.
Maybe call and exterminator (they do insects…but do they do large rats?), leave the place fo ra few days, and come back then theyre gone.

thats insane. Id be running for sure.

You can leave small dishes of antifreeze around the house? I think that might kill the rodents.

Re: Mouse Trapped in Bathroom: What to do

You clearly anticipated my initial, immediate response. My next suggestion would be an attack with a shop-vac. An added benefit is that small rodents can’t survive the rapid pressure change going through the tube.

Ask a neighbor if you can borrow their cat? I’m sure the little feline would be more than happy to come to your place for a snack!

Alright, you’re gonna need a can of AXe body deodorant and a zippo (or another lighter). then just strike the zippo, and aim the axe at the rat with the zippo in front. Voila, instant blowtorch! and once you’re done, you can have bar-b-q rat.

lol… I like the blow tourch one…
A lot of the suggestions are nasty… but oh well… rats are scary. OS have you gotten it out yet? Surely youve had to use the washroom by now havent you?

pffah, using the washroom? I’m sure the man has access to trees