i am accually starting street preforming in about 2 months but i work as a unicycling billboard…unicycling up a down a side walk for apets store …cheep advertising for them …extra money for me
find a business thats having trouble with customer flow
pitch the idea 2 them
usally they are game ive done it for 3 different stores but the pet store is paying me 2 do it every saturday and the other 2 stores call me up when they start getting costomer challenged again
Take the money you do have and play the stock market… You could get rich fast, or you could lose it all very quickly. If you’re looking for a starter stock, I wouldn’t normally recommend penny stocks, but this one just released a prototype and jumped nearly 25% just today. They’re a three man fuel cell company.
what all would I need to street perfrom? I was a thinking about get some obsticals put together and doing some riding in front of stores. while I was thinking about performing on my uni i was think this. ok what if i did this. if i did a thing every day and i did perfromances and i could keep half and give the other half to charity. i think it would be a good idea because if people knew that half of it was going to charity they would give more then if it all was going straight to me.
to street perform i recommend doing more than just uni…your gonna need to give your legs a break sometime…i recommend learning to juggle and learning a few simple but effective tricks…like snatches or do balloon animals…like when you see someone come along hop off your uni and offer them a ballon…and not everyone is gonna pay you…even if you do give them a baloon so be prepared for that…just go out and have fun…or you could always try getting a job…i hear its a fair way to get some cash.
14 eh? well back in my day I got a job at the grocery store, it was the happy-ist day of my life, now 7 months later I die a little inside every time i have to go to work, in a nother year I’ll be fully dead inside, the moral of the story is; get a fun job…like busking
i dont know. i guess like do busking nonsense if you think you can handle it. but its hard dude, performing for people is rough.im thinkin’ bout doin it myself, since my area is so big and i have so many supporters now.