Mondo XIII - Unicycling/Juggling Festival

The Mondo XIII unicycling/juggling festival will be held February
22-24, 2002 on the campus of Concordia University in St. Paul,
Minnesota. This event is held in the field house that has an indoor
track and three full gyms. Unicycle hockey is planned for Friday and
Saturday. The t-shirt for the event even has a unicycle on it.
Here is the Mondo website.

Most of the Twin Cities Unicycle Club will be there along with two
unicyclists from Panther Pride and Javier Ruiz from Puerto Rico. If
you decide to head on up to the not-so-frozen north and need a place
to crash, let me know and I’ll get something setup for you.

Also, this year, six unicyclists will be going for the world record
in jump roping on a unicycle. We have been doing so well with our
training that we can guarantee the record will be broken. The world
record attempt will be on Saturday, February 23 at 3:00 PM. The
unicyclists going for the world record are: Andy Cotter, Irene
Genelin, Gilby, Amy Shields, Brady Witbeck, and Ryan Woessner.
Check out this link for more info on the world record attempt.

Background info on Mondo (taken right from the website)
MONDO is the largest, annual gathering of jugglers, unicyclers and
yo-yo enthusiasts in the Midwest, averaging 300+ participants each
year. We are fortunate to have some of the most talented people in
each discipline attend MONDO on a regular basis. Many former and
current national title holders in both juggling and yo-yoing will be
in attendance, and the Twin Cities boasts many world champions in
unicycling. The highlight of the weekend is our public show, which
traditionally features some awesome talent from a variety of


Andy Cotter -
Unicycle Video “One Wheel - No Limit” -
Twin Cities Unicycle Club -
International Unicycling Federation - Director

Ack! That looks like a great convention, but this year, same as last year,
it takes place during finals for me. One week later, and I would be on
break and have no problems making the trip. Oh well, such is what happens
on a quarter based college schedule.


> The Mondo XIII unicycling/juggling festival will be held February
> 22-24, 2002 on the campus of Concordia University in St. Paul,
> Minnesota. This event is held in the field house that has an indoor
> track and three full gyms. Unicycle hockey is planned for Friday and
> Saturday. The t-shirt for the event even has a unicycle on it.
> Here is the Mondo website.

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