Wow, this is great…but at the same time painful for me.
Thanks to Rolf Thompson who alerted many of us by email that the NY Times did a great story on the Moab Muni Fest in today’s issue.
What sucks for me is that I’m stuck in Georgetown until 11pm and all the places within reach that I could get the NY Times either don’t carry it or are sold out. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to find it tomorrow. Is anybody stocking up on copies of the paper? Any of you New Yorkers able to get a bunch of copies?
If anybody is stocking up, can you get one for me? I know it might be a pain to mail it - but if you did, I would gladly defer the duplication cost for your copy of “Blood, Sweat, and Wheels” in exchange when I start sending those out at the end of the month - or I could send you money.
I like to keep articles about the unicycling activities I’ve been to and this is a good one.