Moab in the news

Wow, this is great…but at the same time painful for me.

Thanks to Rolf Thompson who alerted many of us by email that the NY Times did a great story on the Moab Muni Fest in today’s issue.

What sucks for me is that I’m stuck in Georgetown until 11pm and all the places within reach that I could get the NY Times either don’t carry it or are sold out. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to find it tomorrow. Is anybody stocking up on copies of the paper? Any of you New Yorkers able to get a bunch of copies?

If anybody is stocking up, can you get one for me? I know it might be a pain to mail it - but if you did, I would gladly defer the duplication cost for your copy of “Blood, Sweat, and Wheels” in exchange when I start sending those out at the end of the month - or I could send you money.

I like to keep articles about the unicycling activities I’ve been to and this is a good one.

I picked up a couple extra. I can mail you the insert if you’re unable to find it locally.

If anyone else wants a copy let me know (email me) and I’ll snail mail it to you. First come first served (FIFO).