Make up a new unicycle joke

There are only about three unicycling jokes - if you include all the variants of “missing wheel”, “circus music”, etc.

Is it about time we made up some of our own and fought back?

Here’s my starter:

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Eunice who?
Eunice Ikle

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…the funniest unicycle joke I can think of is:

(While riding a unicycle) What’s the difference between a bicycle and a tricycle? Me!

You know what they say about men who wear large shoes? “Gee that big red nose looks funny on you! And what’s with that one-wheeled bicycle you’re riding?”

Meh… I’ll keep my day job.

Riding a unicycle gives the phrase, “I have mono” new meaning!

Haha, I just made that up, and man, what a GREAT T-SHIRT that’s gonna make!!!:D:p:)

I can see the t-shirt now…

I have mono…
And I love it!!!

Well, it’s pretty hard to beat Kris Holm’s “One Tired Guy”.

Wow! I only now got the pun! No chance! That’s brilliant, though. Also shows how slow I am…


yeah i only just got that now too…
its only when you say it aloud that you get it i guess:o

When it’s written down it really only works in America, where they can’t spell tyre. Still a good pun though :slight_smile:

As for new jokes… can’t think of any at the moment.


oh wow… i only just got that… lol

You guys are kidding right?
I wouldn’t want to show off but the “One tired guy” joke was obvious to me :sunglasses:
…It might be because of my poor english spelling though:o :wink:

Works with a bike also. “I’m two (too) tired”. Of course that’s very similar to the punch line of the old joke, “Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?” Because it’s “2-tired.”

…and why did the unicycle stay up

because it was less tired:D

so Maxxis the unicycle gets into a pub … takes a look at the menu …

  • “what do we get on the side?”
  • “tacos”

    Two giraffes are at the bar (having their chains lubricated) when Cocky Coker enters the premises …
    "Hello lasses! …XXXcensored XXX hey wait a minute this is a family forum!!! so it’s up to you to complete the story :o