!Macht Nada Video!

Loved it! Best bit, Hick down a 5 set or 180 flip to fakie grind or that double flip down a 6 set (if you landed it) or the car bit or that flip gap or double body varial. Thanks again, great riding. YOUR AMAZING.


Dude, way not cool

No video should be so ubersuperfantabulous that it damages my fragile self-

esteem. I’m sitting here going dude, not cool. If you get any better I am really

going to get mad :angry: . Just joking that was sick. That was truly amazing if

I could do that, I would be like wow I’m amazing. Keep those vids coming. :astonished:

I didnt notice it first time but you did a real nice late 180 flip and nobody has commented on it. All was tight man,
Much skills.


4 the sick 7

:astonished: :sunglasses: :smiley: :astonished: :sunglasses: :smiley:

:smiley: :astonished: :sunglasses: and a whole lot more!!!
It’s just impossible 2 discribe what kinda emotions i’ve been going through watching this awesomeness.
Man you’re so gifted, charish that.
greetz from the Netherlands, Rob

Please! I’m desperate! does any one know the name of that song used in shaun’s video?

Microphone feind by Rage Against the machine