Luke's Movie

Man, this is Chris from the melbourne uni meet.

Man that video is awesome!!!

Far out!!!


–chris-- :astonished:

ahaha u and brownboy, seem to loveee luke and his vid lol

have a look at mine, tell me what u think of it!! ??

im a trials rider, which u will notice from the vid, but im just startin up with street!! not too shabby either :stuck_out_tongue:

the vid is a little old and out of date coz my sif hops and gaps are a fair bit bigger now!

enuff jibbering, here it is :slight_smile:

That is a pretty :sunglasses: vid man, can i add u to my msn?I am cheers

mmmmmmmmmm… brownboy…

Excellent movie Tom!!!

C U in 2 months!
(cant make it to the next uni meet)

y cant u make it to the next uni meet?
u r coming this sundy tho, right?

yer, but ill b in the uk from the 9th of march to the 1st of april!!! U should know that!