Lsd Muni 2010- Downhill -leaves Snow Dirt-

Finally my video is here! -It lasted a bit longer to be done because I didn’t have enough material to finish it and there was also school and everything… The video is called LSD, which is a drug, but a drug as a sport and it means Leaves, Snow, dirt. It’s shot in Slovenia’s mountains. The song is called “overseer-slayed”. More info- link
I have to thank Jani Dobnik to shoot with camera. And especially I have to thank my sponsor and my family to support me.:slight_smile:
There are few mistakes in video, but remember- this is not made by pro-man :roll_eyes: :D.

Please leave a comment to see if you like it and to see what is good and what is bad. :wink:


Very cool video. I didn’t like the music but the rest really made up for that. Very good technical riding and the parts where you used the high gear were simply amazing - rushing along those trails like a lightning :smiley:

Thanks, I’m glad you like it :smiley: About the music- 100 people, 100 likes of music :smiley: If I’m honest, I think I should ride faster in some parts where wasn’t that technical… :roll_eyes: :slight_smile:

P.S -If you watch video at 03:48, at that jump I broke the tire.

Awesome. I liked it a lot.
I chickened out from riding the snow covered trails this weekend. Though I think we have a bit more than you. I thought it might be too much.

Next weekend, I think I’ll watch your video, get psyched up and head out there!

Hehe :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks! Just get out and get it! :smiley: Next video that is coming will be much more on technical parts…!

Here is also youtube:
(I hope that music works)

Wow… nice video. Some good riding on what looked like awesome trails. No big tech stuff, but the flow and different surfaces and places you rode made up for that. Liked the fact that the video had a beginning, nice flow in the middle, and an end. Also only noticed the schlumpf hub about half way through :slight_smile:

Enjoyed the music as well. It kinda reminded me of a slower Prodigy. I think it fit the video really well. Nice one, well done !! :smiley:


I loved every second of it: From the title till the end.
I prefer THC (Total Head Control)…;)makes me feel that: Trial = Heavenly Close:D.
Speedy that close passage in high gear!!! AWESOME
(great thinking/original logo: 2Simple!!!) :sunglasses:

tr4nspo, LoL - Nice one (about thc)! :smiley: hehe
p.s. -It’s 2simpl (without ‘‘e’’):wink:
JohnnyReggae, thanks! :slight_smile:

Great video, though I think it could have been shortened a bit, it felt a little slow and long in parts.

I loved the tracking shot at the beginning of the leaves section.

Just one more piece of constructive criticism, some parts of the video were way too dark on my screen (which has been calibrated). I’m not sure if its due to how the video was shot or if it was done in editing but it may be worth checking into calibrating your display.

Sure, :smiley: you are the third person who noticed that. Well, the point is that the video was shot with 2,5 years old camcorder which isn’t good in low light cording. But eaven darkened the video while converting it on site. For youtube i dont know but if you watch it on unicycle tv, its lighter picture.
With my next camera, this problem will be fixed:-).
I think the lenght of the video is ok but as you said some parts are too long (i also admit that i rode a bit to slow).
Thanks for your comment and im glad you liked the vid.:smiley:

A well diserved bump

I can’t believe I missed this the first time.:frowning:

I’m glad I ran into this on youtube :smiley:

It is kind of long but I totally didn’t mind because all the riding is so great:)

I’m glad you like it :slight_smile: I’ll film more this year… :sunglasses:

Great mountain unicycling! Good flow and fast riding! :smiley: Riding a schlumpf hub looks soooo fun! :slight_smile:

Thanks :sunglasses: