Lots of nice riding at the dump

Our local rubish dump has a nice pine forest beside it that has some nice mountain biking tracks through it including a track that goes around the whole thing over the last 4 days i have been out there 5 times. Once everyday except for yesterday when i went out for 2 hours in the morning and an hour and a half at 5pm.

The first time i went out was with rowan and we did the loop around the forest, this took about two and a half hours and was a nice ride there and back (i liked coming back more because it was mainly downhill). BUT the big upset of that day was when we where at the top of the course rowan decided that he would try riding along a rotten log and screw his anckle making the ride back lot more painful than usual and also alot slower.

I didn’t let this put me off the place, since its so close to my house (only about a 5 - 10 min drive) and i don’t have to walk long distances up hill to get to the riding spot i have made this my new playground.

Tonight i went out with my brother who mountain bkes and my mother who…(here is the list) mountain bkes, road bke races, is new zealands veteran womans kayak champ, a cross country runner and generaly considered one of new zealands best multi-sport persons in her age group. Mum went for a ride and Andrew (my brother) and i went riding and filming. I worked out a cool fast paces slalum track and he did some jumps and general easy bke stuff.

When it started getting dark we came home but i didn’t mind i had lots of fun and realy pushed the limits or my riding skills.

Im loving my KH24" i have become acustome to the cranks and i now feel like i am one with the unicycle (waits for the smart jokes).

P.S. if im out there and having an “off day” i could always look around for cool stuff because u never know what you may find at the rubish dump (probably just natives but they make good foot rests :smiley: )

hope you cleared the dirty diaper gap!