Lost the bug

For the past 6 months or so I haven’t been as in to riding as I used to be, and really want to get back into it.

I think it’s because the things I’m trying to learn are getting harder and I just don’t seem to be bothered anymore!

I need methods of motivation! Going through these forums has helped a bit, made me nearly want to go for a ride before :wink:


Don’t beat yourself up.

I got a horse when I was 44 and I got really stressed about having lessons and pushing to get better all the time - it took the fun out of riding. So I put a stop to the lessons and now me and Poppy go out and have fun. I don’t get dressed up, I don’t even put her saddle on, I just hop on and go out if I want to - no pressure.

Forget tricks and pushing to get better all the time - just go and enjoy yourself.

Ride for yourself:

And watch the photos and videos here… some of them make me want to go out NOW!

I would suggest that you should think of all the great fun that you used to have when you used to go on riding.I think that it would bring back your motivation level back.

Don’t make a job out of it or it will not be fun.

This is the system that has been working for me:

Watch the videos in the vid section. Very inspiring, especially for someone lower skills level like me, because everything is impressive!

Have something that you always enjoy doing on your uni no matter what, for me right now that’s muni. So if I’m working on a trick and I’m doing poopy, well I just go ride muni!

Ride with other people if you get the chance, I learn very quickly from observing other people.

Get a 36er and start exploring your world. Head up into the backcountry, off the beaten path, places you’ve never been before. Ride because you want to see what’s over the next hill. Ride because you want to explore a certain area, then change plans and directions entirely in the middle of your ride because you can. Do it for fun.


Oh and we recently talked about getting a GPS and going Geo-Caching while riding! That would be really fun.

That says it all in truth.
Perhaps give yourself a fixed amount of time for ‘skills training’ (say 20 minutes a session or whatever) and then go ride. Or just have fun doing all the easy stuff.
And of course get out with some friends when you can, that’s always lots more fun.


Sweet guys thanks! We’ve got a regular group of about 10ish that meet every saturday, but lately out of about 5 hours at the place an hour is lunch, 15 mins of riding and the rest is massive discussions/arguments. I think I see the root of the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

If you find you’re doing more talking than riding, try making ways to motivate you to ride together more, like playing games (Think OUT, etc) or go someplace with new obstacles and such, or just go exploring in general. (all with your group)

I like that idea, will try it soon!