Lost Motivation

I lost all motivation to ride and learn new tricks. I’d rather practice lacrosse, drums, or guitar. Unless I catch the bug again, I’ll probably just use my unicycle for riding to my friends house and back.

well, I would come on here and tell you to just ride more, but the reason we ride is cause it’s something we enjoy.

if you’re not enjoying it, then slow down for a while, take a break until you feel more into it.


go here

Great idea…watching pro unicyclists always motivates me to get out there and unicycle

No, not really.
Seriously, Madison, take off the videos. That’s not fair to Dan.

?..why doesnt he want the trailers on youtube? The trailers are available on unicycle.com and every other place that sells defect, its not like its the whole movie. and if hes worried about people downloading the trailers he shouldent be, becasue i already downloaded the trailer off of unicycle.com all you have to do is right click the link that says watch the trailer and click save target as

he put the whole universe 2 on there

We’ve all been there dude.Does this sound like you? Every winter you lose the thrill to ride because you cant ride anywhere.Or you might be able to ride, but your sick of the same old terrain and same lame tricks that you can do. You aren’t gaining any progress, so you want to kinda quit because its not that fun anymore. Is this you?

The best thing to do is take some time off the uni. A few weeks(or even a month later) later hop on it again and rip it up like you used to do. It will become fun again and the “Bug” will regain and become even stronger! To speed this process up upon re-entry to the uni world again, you can pop in Universe 2, or Defect.

EDIT: The guys above me basicly said the same thing…lol, gr8 minds think alike. Maybe it’s a uni thing.

i know but im talking about just the trailers, isnt the whole point of the trailer to get you to buy the movie…so why wouldnt he want it on youtube

P.S. im not talking about the whole videos, i do understand that

will do, I put them up for a visual aid for a school project they are coming down today…

Good man.

all gone go check just the trailers now…

does anyone have download link for u2 now?

noep, every last connection with the internet video world for U2 is now severed…(other than trailers) you can try buying it, or you can limewire it to see if anything comes up which I doubt it will… anyway, I hope at least watching the trailers helps to bring back the bug to Tomahawk…

lacrosse, drums, or guitar, all worthy past times. dont worry you will catch the bug again and if not you chose some decent alternatives

I used to bike whenever i could but no longer feel daily urge to get on my bike and ride, instead i go xc skiing or unicycling. what i am saying is just stay active and you will be fine

Also don’t let negativity get to you. It happened to me a few months ago and i felt like dirt, worse than dirt. Patience, someday you will ride your unicycle again. My advice would be to take one step at a time. Have fun practicing lacrosse, drums, or guitar.

Take care