Los Angeles Critical Mass Friday 6/30

Critical Mass:
“The last Friday of every month in over 100 cities around the world, cyclists, roller bladers, boarders, etc…come together for a festive rolling celebration. It’s an organized coincidence with no leaders and no set agenda. People come together for many reasons, to assert their right to cleaner air, less congestion, safer roads, and to celebrate and ride in solidarity with other cyclists and like minded individuals. Celebrate this month with Critical Mass!”

The Los Angeles Critical Mass meets at the Wilshire and Western Metro Stop at 6PM.

I’ve been meaning to take my coker for quite some time now but with work I havent’ been able to. But next friday (June 30) I finally have no conflicts. I’d love to get some other Unicycles out. Cokers are prefered of course to keep up with the bicycles.

It’s great fun though because if the group is big enough cars and traffic lights be damned. Which makes cokering in teh city much more enjoyable.

I hate to have to bump my own thread, but too late now

So is this just in LA, or is it in other cities as well?

Most major cities have them. The one in Paris is amazing I was stuck on a street corner for half an hour as bikes and rollerbladers passed by with a continuous flow.

But you’re near Atlanta right?

Thanks for the link. I think I will check that out next month. I will be in Memphis this Friday.

When i want jam up traffic, i use a 20":wink:

Bummer. I am flying back to LA (home) from Venezuela in a few hours but am arriving too late to join in. Would have liked to bust out the old Coker for this one.


There is always next month (or any month after that), I am only going this time becuase I ussually am working later than 6

Santa Monica Critical Mass. Looks like a blast, I want to do a ride sometime. The website says it happens the 1st Friday of every month, looks like I just missed it. I’ll check on http://socalunirides.blogspot.com/ to see if anyone else is attending.

LA Unicyclists

Okay, so I’m kinda bummed I haven’t run across any of you LA uni riders. I hear about rides on the beach… I’ve even seen videos! So when am I actually gonna get to ride with some of ya’ll?

The Critical Mass rides seems like it would be great to pull together a uni group. I think the next one is Oct. 5th. Hopefully my schedule will be free because I’d love to make the ride, and it would be great to meet some of this city’s other uni riders!


I ride the beach bike path at least 2-3 days per week, today being one of them. I plan on starting about 5:30 and heading south from Hermosa Pier. I’ll probably go as far as the MDR bridge, then head back.

You’re more than welcome to join me, either at Hermosa pier, MDR or anywhere in between. Check you PM for my phone number if you want to call and let me know if you want to meet up for a ride.:smiley:

Anyone interested in going to this?

Santa Monica Critical Mass:
January 4th, 2008!
Gather 6:30pm, Roll ~ 7:00pm
Top of the Santa Monica Pier, Colorado & Ocean
Santa Monica, CA

Los Angeles Critical Mass, Meet 6:30 pm, Ride 7:30pm sharp!

The Los Angeles Critical rides for 2008 meets at the Wilshire and Western Metro station the last Friday of the month. You are encouraged to ride your bike to the ride or use the subway (you can bring your bike on the subway trains).

The start of the ride is 7:30pm sharp, but everyone is encourage to show up early (6:30pm) to meet and mingle, so that you can converse with each other during the ride. There is also some informational announcements prior to the ride.

These are slow, easy paced rides with limited inclines. The object is to ride through the streets in a show of force, celebrating the bicycle and educating the drivers and general public that there are alternatives to the internal combustion engine. This is a fun and social Friday night ride.

Here is video of last months ride.