looxcie 3 camera

Got a new helmet camera: Looxcie 3. Similar to helmet cams like the GoPro but on the lower end: same basic features and slightly lower quality (720p). A plus is the form factor: smaller at 2" square. Like the GoPro, it has wi-fi to connect to your smartphone/tablet that basically serves as a LCD screen and controller. Definitely fewer bells and whistles but is functional.

Timing is perfect to document my learning curve. See video boards for a clip. Looxcie footage starts at 0:57. yet another beginner learning videolog

Cool! I’ve played with the Looxcie models 2 & 3… I found the controls on the 3 to be a little confusing (had to look at the manual!). But the live streaming is cool (through their smartphone app). And the prices are great.