Lifestyles Shirt Designs?

Calling all 24 HR racers entered in Lifestyles '07!!

I’ve been doodling around with T-shirt designs. The following are just some ideas for the TEAM USA bunch, from whom I’d like some comments.

If all uni entrants wanted to wear these shirts, and just have some say TEAM USA and some say TEAM CANADA, that might work, too.

OK here’s the first one:

FastUni24Hr6.bmp (712 KB)

2nd one:

FastUni24Hr4.bmp (1010 KB)

3rd one:

FastUni24Hr2.bmp (753 KB)

Or maybe…

FastUni24Hr6.bmp (710 KB)

Not in it, but I like the second one the best.

But w/ USA
and: canada in white w/ a red maple leaf

Both on the black background

I know i am not involved in the race in any way but those look awesome!

If there is a Canadian and American version maybe have the Canadian version white and red and the American one red and white on the day side and blue and white on the night side. i think that would work really well.

Just want to say again those patterns look awesome and the half and half split is genius.

I’m not in either but I like the second one.

Yeah, the 2nd one.

Wow! Pretty cool work, Steve. While the municyclist looks great I think it’s too difficult to make out. Because I’m a municyclists I was able to figure out that it was a person wearing a helmet riding a unicycle but I’m afraid most non-unicyclists will point at the shirt and ask “what’s that a picture of?”

In spite of this I’m not too particular about the shirt design so if the others like it then I’d say go with it.

I saw this semi-custom jersey while surfing the web last night. Can screen any graphic.

I’m not an artist like you steve but I’m pretty handy with Photoshop. What do you think of something like this?

Team USA Muni graphic: KH is Canadian…:smiley:

This site has some graphic previews to mess around with:

Still a great photo.

You could call it Team north america then. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

that’s an interesting idear.

although…since getting these dryfit shirts, i couldn’t imagine riding in anything else ever again!

I like #2 the best, although I think the race details aren’t all needed, I’d just put “24hr Race, Team USA”
See you at the race Sunday, I wonder if there will be snow!

I’m not at all involved with the race however I like the second design the best. I might try to lose the $ signs though, they make it look a bit juvenile. Neat design overall though.

Sorry for the threadjack, but couldn’t find info in these forums anywhere else. What’s the deal with dryfit shirts? It sounds good to me, as I sweat like crazy when I ride. Do they really absorb a lot of sweat? Why are they so good? On the net I found info about Nike’s Dri Fit shirts; is this what you’re referring to?

The $ signs are in the race logo, which is the only reason I included them.

ok, after seeing those I`ve done this one very quickly. same idea, different aproach.

hope you like it;)

PS: sorry if Im being nosy. I nknow I dont have anything to do with the race but I thought I`d help. :slight_smile:

there is it