Let's here it from the "old" folks!

Something New

I’m 54. I’m well into my second year. I find winter is slowing me down a bit more than last year. I’ve got to get off my fat… and get on the road again. Thats why I check into this site. It keeps me going.

I’m 55 (baby boomer from 1948)
I learned at 54
I started commuting to work on my uni
and being the oldest in my office it’s fun to look at the gaping mouths!

I prefer off-road and hope this year I’ll be able to start a Muni club with friends.

alas I smashed my achille’s tendon with my Coker and I am out for 6 months
(I just started to walk again last week)

I think that the “more mature” uniier on this list is UniWitold … is that right?


I’m 59 years old, so it’s funny to read you 40 year old kids referring to yourselves as “old”. Started learning this past September. I can ride fairly well and can do hills and turns and can freemount (with misses, of course). I have the 24" Torker I learned on and a 20" Yuni new addition. I’d love to get another 24" that would take a bigger tire, but, alas, I can’t justify hanging the Torker up so unless I can sell it that’s my main wheel for a while.

A typical problem of our age :
many of us have got enough money
but we’re frown upon by dilapidating our retirement savings :wink:
So dad frowns because “you’ll hurt yourself again”
Significant Other wonders why you need so many toys
Children wonder why you don’t cool off a bit
only grandchildren understand us!


I am happily immature at 68. Although I have some doubts of being the raizing starr of uniing I do enjoy it tremendusly and derive daily excitement out of it.:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m 40. Just a kid to some of you (:)!), and my 6- and 10-year-old would agree. But in our house we define a ‘kid’ as anyone who still knows how to have fun.

Here’s to all the kids in this thread, whatever their model year!

Old people are nice and give me candy!

Old people give me money, because I deliver their paper!
Even though I’m not an old geezer yet, I’d agree with DazednContuzed.

Re: Re: Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

I call it WISDOM --chirokid–

Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

56years, 20", 24", lots of hills.

No idle, backwards, one foot, gliding, etc.,
at least not yet.

Uni is excellent “core” exercise.

Fun responses from all of you and I’m glad to have started this thread. Where are the 60+ people? Activity seems to drop off after 60, at least based on responses from this thread.


Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

>I’m curious as to the ages and numbers of “old” folks still actively
>>riding a uni.

I am 51 and regularly ride a Coker around town, Olympia WA, often for about an
hour and a half. I don’t have any fancy tricks but I have a fair amount of
endurance. The endurance probably comes from years of riding bicycles for
irrational distances. I am planning some long rides when my conditioning
improves. Currently seat discomfort seems to be the limiting factor.

I ride conservatively,(if that is really possible on a unicycle), because I
know a shattered bone may be a life changing experience. I have survived a few
good falls with the help from protective gear . I prefer not to ride when the
temperatures drop below 38 degrees as the pavement gets slick as the
temperatures drop. Rain keeps me home too. Doing an unplanned dismount onto
slick pavement doesn’t sound like fun.
Learning new tricks is a low priority for me but I would like to idle more
effectively. Currently the unicycling is a good aerobic work out and it is
infinitely more entertaining than riding an indoor exercycle in front of a TV
as I do for several hours a week.

I hope to be a 90 year old guy who rides his unicycle to the store for whiskey
and condoms.

Keep riding.
Where there is a wheel, there is a way.

Happy birthday frank and Merry Chrsitmas all riders!

Happy birthday Frank A. :smiley:
Although I’m 37 years old…:smiley:

Re: Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

Looks like there’s enough to have an “Old Men Of Unicycling” calendar.

Now, if we could only get Harper out of his shell.

Re: Happy birthday frank and Merry Chrsitmas all riders!


  • Frank


yes but that’s beyond the point: if he thinks he will get cooler,
he will take the necessary time.

That’s a point to emphasize with the proposed “old unicyclists” calendar.

  • we didn’t get richer
  • we didn’t get more successfull with ${person of the other sex}s
  • we didn’t made it to the headlines
    we did better than that!

hope this helps

I starting learning to ride just a few months shy of my 50th birthday. It took me 11 days of practicing 45 minutes to an hour each day before I could ride over 50 feet consistently. After I reached that point, I progressed much faster. Get him on that uni!!!

Re: Re: Let’s here it from the “old” folks!

Now there’s an idea! How about an “Old Men of Unicycling” calendar (along the lines of the “Stud Muffins of Science” calendar from MIT a few years ago)? An impartial (or not) jury of lady unicyclists could pick the best 11 photos - the twelfth is obviously the Harper pic, no contest. Get unicycle.com to market it, and a portion of the profits goes to bring poor Joona (world’s most isolated unicyclist) across to next years’ California Muni weekend.:smiley:
