Leeds Juggling convention is *NOT* tommorrow

Due to some confusion on dates I 'm throwing up this notice.
The convention was on the 4th of November.
No member of the Leeds juggling organistion team posted a date on any unicycle related information resource (as non of us are avid unicyclists) but it appears somebody else did.

Dates and details of juggling events that might be appropriate events for unicyclists to attend can be found in these listings http://www.jugglingdb.com/events/
these will have the official information and most likely links to dedicated websites with details on diirections/times/events etc.

A note about juggling conventions. The majority are volunteer ran/not for profit events. Organisers will try and arrange (with varying amounts of success and stress on top of whatever they need to do for a living)
A usable space(s),
At least one trader,
A system for workshops (mixture of preplanned usually from guest artists who will be in the show and on the day sign ups)
A show, most often arranged before hand but sometimes a renegade (volunteer show) or mixture.

Your attendance at a convention can either be passive or active. You can offer a workshop that is unicyling related, or complain later that there wasnt one, you can ask the organisers to include gladiators in the games or bemoan the lack of them later. If gladiators isn’t your thing organisers need to know to be able to do something about it.
If you have an act you’d like to share with a convention crowd bring your music along with your kit (as i do) or get in touch with the organisers aforehand and offer it.

Personally I like conventions to be inclusive but as a non unicyclist it is a difficult task to tick all the boxes. When people have approached me with requests I’ve passed them on to the relevant members of the organisation team but aspects will be down to attendees on the day. Diaboloists for example organised things they wished to do on the day through their own online community. People that wanted a fire session organised one and an announcement was made about it.

We had around 260 attendees on the day and amongst them were unicylists, thankyou for coming and supporting our convention, please let me know what we can do to help you enjoy your day more. For those interested in organising uni based things at leeds, we have a large campus with a variety of interesting terrain, a nearby large park where Roger Davies lead a crosscountry event last year, within this park is a modern concrete skatepark.
leeds.jugglers@gmail.com (any acts?)



Another list of events that will be of use to UK unicyclists
However please ensure you check the official websites of an event you are planning to go to thus ensuring you have the details you require.