Wow, just got four brand new Kryptonite locks delivered to my door via UPS. Kryptonite made good on their offer to replace all tubular cylinder locks!
I didn’t think they would actually replace the four locks that I had. So I went ahead and bought two new non-Krypto locks and, at the same time, did register my tubular cyclinder locks as they requested. Sure enough, allbeit many months later, a packing slip arrived. I sent the locks off, shipping prepaid by Kryptonite, and today a package arrived right to my door: four brand new locks!
That’s impressive!!!
when i got my call tag to send in my two locks before getting the new ones leaving me with no locks unless i went out and bought a new one i was less than impressed.
yeah the whole bic pen in the first place is crazy. I mean how does it not get check out like just simple playing with the lock. I mean a pen pushed on to the the key place is easy to open.
I had pretty low expectations and didn’t think they would actually replace the locks…thought it was just a ploy through the media to sound like they were going to take responsibility. So when they actually came through it was a pleasant surprise.
If you have a spare lock or 2 now let me know I would be interested in taking one off your hands as I was planning on purchasing a new lock sometime soon anyway.
Well I do have an extra lock or two but these bad boys are heavy so I don’t know if it would be worth your while to buy from here and pay the shipping to there. Could end up being cheaper just to buy 'em new right where you are.
After seeing Erin’s post about Kryptonite locks I thought I would give it a try. Sure enough once you register your lock(s) you are sent a UPS courier waybill. Then after you drop off your parcel to a UPS location all you do is wait. For me it took about two weeks till a box arrived at my door (today) with the new lock. This is all good as it was free, other than the wait time. Luckly I was locking anything up during that time.
i recently got a letter stating that since i had a problem with sending my lock in first and being without it i was intitled to a 15 dollar settlment check for every lock i registared.
then there was more court room docket speak etc.
i guess this was part of the settlment but was never mentioned to me by Kriptonite…only months later after sending a complaint.