Kris Holm 20 (19") Customizing suggestions!

This is not an option in Aus…
I say give the Luna a go - if its the flex in the sidewalls you dont like with the CC, and the overall soft feel then the Luna will be a great alternative;)

Btw, do you have a link to lunas? Haven’t been able to find them via google.

Ok I will get one Of those :slight_smile: I have tryed rotating the tire but still feels the same. The cc kind of feels to soft or something like that and I do have it quiet hard. It also wears way to fast. Why cant we get try all ?

Noone will get it into Aus for us:(
And yeah, when i first changed to a CC i had more pressure in it that i had in my Luna and it still felt WAY softer!

if u want Try Alls buy them from udc UK and get them shipped over

might cost more than they are worth? Perhaps it would be better to get a couple at the same time.

Thanks for everyones help. topic still open for suggestions. thanks


I can look into postage for mny Luna if you’d be interested… Its still got head of tread - can email you pics if u want??

Yea Im not sure how much would you want for it? postage might be a bit steap.

I have a question kind of off topic but easier than starting a new thread. How do you grind I can only jump in a certain spot (where my cranks are at where I static hop) I cant seem to jump anywhere else is it just practice or is there something to it? rolling hops seem really hard :stuck_out_tongue:

go pink on it.

kh blue sucks.

O.O really nice uni. I wish I had one like this.

really nice uni I love it

I love that uni :stuck_out_tongue: i want a Koxx one pink rim with white or black tire. Then a orange seat clamp and pink frame.

How much did the powercoating cost?

Brendan? I thinking about powdercoating my frame. I also chipped it yesterday or rather scratched it. Its about .1 or .2cms deep will it weaken the frame? my precious baby :’(

Yea your frame will surely break and you will die. Im sorry, thats the truth.

I wish gilby could add an option that would hide all post by those under the age or 16 or so :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Dam brendon, looks good. when can you ride?

thats not nice :stuck_out_tongue: we may be under 18 but where still unicyclists. Sparky which is a better frame for when my Kh frame dies? I dont want to buy like a triton or anything like that what a decent normal frame?

Just buy another KH
it isnt like you broke it by rideing it…

I realy like the KH frame. When my old frame broke I just got another one. I would love a triton but they cost so dam much. If you have the money (and more are made) I dont think you can beet the triton. If you ride only tials with that uni you could get a round crown frame (like a few have done now) but if you dont have heaps of money and you like to do foot on crown tricks, stick with the KH.

It should be a while before you break your frame. Dont worry about it for now.

Ok thanks sparky. Good input :slight_smile:
PS: LOVE YOU RIDING :stuck_out_tongue:

Powdercoating was £35 from UDC uk. cheers for the comments i love it too. Nothing like riding barbie all day. Me feels like ken… * family friendly* - i know.

I’d go for the KH frame, the triton isn’t in production no more, and let’s be honest if you break your KH, kris seems to reaplced them free of charge, so don’t worry too much about it. Considering the small - if inexistent - weight saving of the triton, you’re better off paying a proffesional welder to reweld your KH frame, or buy a new one. (and kris will likely replace it anyways.)