KOXX ONE new products !!!

No, the kevlar seems to be around the sides of the saddle, incorporated into the cover. Meant to stop it wearing out I suppose.

EDIT: Oh and the only way they seem to beefed up is by the new seat and different pedals.

is therea K1 reatiler in canada??

they are sex on wheel… s

totally awesome!


Straight from dealer section on the koxx-one website:

BOX #11 - 1697, rue Notre-Dame
L’Ancienne-Lorette, Québec
tel: (418) 874-0251
fax: (418) 874-0251

Those r some sweet lookin rides…

how stiff are the koxx1 seats, better than KH, worse than viscount?

Like the Kh Seat

those are beauty machines, nice seats too!

I WANT A BLUE BERRY!!! i got it as my wallpaper on my computer and i dreamed that i got one last night. Theres no1 in Australia that gets them. is there? other wise ill prolly get one from the german uni.com. they said that they’ve got some on order, and they should arrive in the next two weeks. And that koxx has told them that the price of 360 euro’s is not a fixed price and might change a bit. Just in case anyone else cared.


Those are wicked
have they been only improved asthetically or however you spell it or is the standard of them higher aswell

“white widow”, Is it named by the dutch pot?

there is no retailers in australia,

I just got some new K1 parts from municycle.com, but i don’t think they have the blueberry there yet, you’d have to email Roland.

Otherwise, koxx-one.com is the way to go.

where abouts in australia are you?


mmmmmmmmmm pretty … i want a seat



I´ll get them next week !


omg i want the pink one!! as if i don’t get enough attention as i’m riding along already. that pink rim is tight though.

Blueberry comes with (cheap) Try all platform pedals, White Widow comes with “24 butterfly” pedals wich are way more expensive (but way more efficient for trial)

those look nice, ill take the white widow, and one of those seats, cause the stock white widow seat looks like a killer

the price is sugestive too


I had my white widow a few weeks ago. Have to say it looks SOOO GOOD!!!:smiley:
And it’s the first one in Finland. not that here would be too many riders around…
And my friend bought blue berry, looking good also.

I wanna get the pink one for my girlfriend!

if u got ur girlfriend the pink 1 ud have 1 very happy girlfriend.