KH SYM cranks snag pants

it is the middle of winter, and i am wearing shorts while riding. my SYM cranks snag long pants. how do i stop this?

Keep wearing shorts. =p

Or if your pants are a bit baggy at your ankle, use a velcro strap or rubber band, and just wrap it around the end of your pant so it doesnt flare out.

If you have shin guards, where them on the outside of your pants. That should keep everything together.:stuck_out_tongue:

Use the cranks for what they were made for? Thats my best tip. I dont think dooing trials is the best Idea anyway.

i know that there for street/flat but i love em’ for trials

Put your pants in your socks.

Why do you like it for trials ?

i dont know ive just had em for a long time and got used to em.

They are a really nice length.

Maybe cause it gives some stabilty on crank grabs? maybe…

Yeah, for street… Maybe the perfect size: Between 137s and 125s… It flips fast as the hell :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. I would love some 130s without extensions.

130 is such a nice size. Yeah for flat cranks without the extension would be nice, but KH with disks are more stable and smooth in my opinion, but tubular definitely flips faster!

I might get some SYM this week in Europe, for my Street Uni :stuck_out_tongue:

sometimes i just roll my pants up a little at the bottom, it may look a little weird but skateboarders do it to their jeans

do jeans rub againt your legs and cause pain after riding? thats what happens to me with jeans

Nope, although I have had it happen before. I think it was my seat rubbing on my legs and it has yet to happen again.

no shit?

It can hurt a bit you skin. When

I don’t know why, nowadays I don’t fell anything, but I had pain in the past… I also wear cycling shorts, maybe it helps to protect…

damn straight, good sentence pedro lol.

rofl :stuck_out_tongue:

The translation between English English and American English is hilarious! What I want to know is what trick are you doing that is getting your pants caught on you cranks? :thinking: :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue: