kh fusion street saddle cover

any one know where i can get one of these? my one is ripped and i wana new one?

Maybe see if your LBS can get one in (most bike shops can get KH stuff), if not UDC should have them.

are they any different than the cover on the freeride?


They are much smaller so they only fit the street foam. UDC NZ doesn’t have them so he would have to get it shipped from somewhere else.

i dont know howto choose the fusion street style on udc usa and i went to the checkout and it said shipping would be 75 USD

Call them and ask for US postal service shipping, they give much better prices on smaller items such as the cover.

ok so im getting a cf base and a while ago i saw a real helpful tutorial on how to drill them and file them with pictures of the base after each hole is drilled and things, ive searched every where and cant find it does someone know where that thread is:)

Here ya go

This also may have been what you were referring to - its pretty straightforward.