Kewl Comment

last night a trio of us performed for a group of touring american families at a restaurant at sun city (the young presidents club i think it was)
the show incorporated juggling, me uni’ing, fire, poi and general mayhem:)

as we walked out of the venue after the show, i was pushing the giraffe and the 20"
i had the giraffe’s saddle post leaning on the 20"'s seat, pushing them in line
it looked a bit like a harley actually
we walked past a group of people and i heard one gentleman mention to his friend (without breaking stride in his conversation)
“he needs a welder”

i enjoyed that

The clever ones are few and far between but usually well worth the wait. I waited through 35 years of mundane, repetitious comments until I heard, “It takes twice the man to ride half the bike.”

Re: Kewl Comment

> The clever ones are few and far between but usually well worth the wait.
> I waited through 35 years of mundane, repetitious comments until I
> heard, “It takes twice the man to ride half the bike.”

I have sticker one my uni that reads: “One Less Car” - you’ve
probably heard that often enough if you are in the bicycle world. But
yesterday I threw on another sticker that reads: “Any Idiot Can

just for a laugh.
