i´m so bored…more than everyone else in this world XD
is there anybody who wants to talk to a silly german girl?
very silly…i wrote “whose” but it should mean who is…bäääääääm XD
my little sister thinks i´m the silliest girl in her life,
my big brother the same,
my mother thinks i´m silly in no way
and my father says nothing :D:D:D
don´t worry be happy…
germany isn´t that bad, here are the people, mostly youth, only more open to each other and talking a lot of silly things^^
i think germany is the best country i´ve ever seen
lots of friendly people (k, there are many bad ones, too XD) and the best bread
60 years ago wasn´t there the WWII?!..yes germany in that time was really scary, the silly, bad, kack fuck adolf hitler if he would live yet i would shoot him to death…
really?! thanks…my english teacher doesn´t think so, i´m going to get a d or e in the repord card (i think thats the mark, in germany it´s a 3 or 4…til what letter are your grades?)…i´m already learning english for 6 years
the E went cross the atlantic to the silly spanish people :D:D:D
if you have A B C D E F than the A = 1, the B = 2, the C = 3, the D = 4, the E = 5 and the F = 6 while 1 is the best and 6 the worst grade. we also have 1.25, 1.5 and 1.75 in each mark (2.25,2.5, 2.75, 3.25,…)^^
no, i´ve only icq which doesn´t work that good…and i don´t know where to get an AIM
the link doesn´t work
but i´ve found it in google
and i can´t get it now because my parents blocked to download s.th. for me
but i´ve got icq, does this work with AIM?
in germany it´s that way…
1 = very good
2 = good
3 = satisfactory
4 = pass
5 = incomplete
6 = fail
my friend lived in Germany for a few years and she said it was awesome.
I have a few friends from there too… I want to visit there… so bad…
i don´t really understand, what you want…
on that side i can log me on in icq but without having an AIM i can´t log me on in AIM…
really? where did he/she live?
i´m shure, that you can come over here any time
ok, i´m going to try
I’m not sure where she was at… Göppingen sticks in my head…
göppingen, cool, thats not that far away from here
i´m going to have diner now see you two hopefully later
i´m to silly for that with the AIM :D:D:D sorry, i´m going to try it again later, maybe
ha, cool!
have a good dinner! peace
i´m here again, who else?
AEV D., I know you’re new to the forums, so I’ll just explain…any thread about being bored, wanting to talk about nothing in particular, etc., should not be made - we have Mosty Replys for that purpose. This kind of thread is normally highly looked down upon, and wastes bandwidth.
hey vanpaun^^
WoW ui changed my mind about germany
lets go 2 germany 2 unicycle
really did i? what mind about germany did you have before?
yes, here are really good unicyclist and very good places to drive
the final of the euro cup since 1/4 hour but it already stays 0:0
wait, i´m going to try again
try making an account on msn