just for fun

i used up the few clips i had to make this vid:


it may the first one in a serie, who know’s?..

I really enjoyed that. Nice video, was thouroughly entertaining. The music was “interesting” :slight_smile: but I must admit that I was tapping my toes and bobbing my head at the end of it.

Liked the contrast to many of the videos being posted lately, so makes it stand out for me.

thank you Johnny, i’m happy you liked a video which was just me mucking around for the first time with movie maker.
the music is goran bregovich’s death and gypsy raggae

i chose “death” as our motto is: “la morte viaggia su una ruota sola” “deth rides on one wheel” which i often say when i’m asked if unicycling isn’t dangerous.

Sorry, I accidentally managed to copy your video title :astonished: :o

null problemo…
it’s not the video title, just the thread’s one