Jumping over a block

I am working on level 3 of the unicycling skills, and am having some trouble
jumping over a 10x10 cm. block. As near as I can tell, there are three methods:

  1. Go over it full speed, like on the skills tape. The block looks too low on
    the tape, and I am not sure I can get up the nerve to approach the block
    full speed. Failure would result in a worse-than-average fall.

  2. Approach full speed but do a flying leap. This may not be too bad if the
    pedals are lined up right for the jump, but could be fatal otherwise.

  3. Come up alongside the block, do a couple bunny hops, then jump sideways over
    the block. This seems the safest, but I have not figured out the jumping
    control yet.

Which one works the best? Are there other methods I am missing? I would
appreciate any hints or suggestions.

Thanks, Beirne


Re: Jumping over a block

>I am working on level 3 of the unicycling skills, and am having some trouble
>jumping over a 10x10 cm. block. As near as I can tell, there are three method
>1. Go over it full speed …
>2. Approach full speed but do a flying leap …
>3. Come up alongside the block, do a couple bunny hops, then jump sideways…
>Which one works the best? Are there other methods I am missing? I would
>appreciate any hints or suggestions.

    Here's a method I sometimes use to ride up a curb:
  1.  approach at slow speed
  2.  stop against the curb, standing on the pedals with a gap between the
     unicycle's seat amd my seat
  3.  grabbing the seat handles, ride/pull myself up the curb
  4.  resume riding normally

(These details are from memory, I don’t have a unicycle handy to check them (and
why not :-)).

    Other times, I just approach the curb and ride over it. I still have the
    impression, however, that I'm riding "up" the curb.

                                    Craig Milo Rogers