Julia Belk - 2010

I spent about a month making this video, and I’m very happy with the riding. I know the flatland location is not good, but I tried to use a couple different angles to make it a bit better. I really hope you’ll like it, and you can leave a comment if you’d like (and I’d appreciate it). :slight_smile:

A unicycle.tv link will also come as soon as possible, I had some problems with the uploader though so not tonight. Also, if anyone wants vimeo let me know and I’ll put it there too.

wow, your rolls are great! really dig this video :slight_smile:

great! video. my favorite part of your style is how fast and smooth you go into a roll from riding. really inspires me to to practice… ill be right back.

Great stuff. A lot of improvement lately. Some of the stuff I really didn’t see coming. I can’t wait to see how far you get by naucc.

Great :slight_smile:

You’re my favourite female rider :smiley:

keep it up!

Yeah nice video :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

5spin and doubleflip! :smiley: :smiley:
really nice video, nicely edited too :slight_smile:

This is SICK, you’ve gotten so good! Nice grinds, combos, and you’re moving up quickly with your spins and flips. Keep it up, you’re improving like a champ.

Thanks so much everyone!

Very cool video Julia, spoiled only by having to watch it without the music - a common problem I have with lots of the videos here :astonished: :smiley:

awesome vid :smiley:
nice riding, editing,music,… :slight_smile:

very very good vid and nice editing!

Grinds, hops, flips and spins! friggin loved this video! you have improved a lot and you have got a nice style now to!

really loved the grinds the most tho!

I feel honored to have seen every clip in this video beforehand. hahaha

Julia Thomas, I mean Belk, I love how at NAUCC I watched your first regular 360 unispin. And you were having trouble with backrolls hahaha. This seriously is the most impressive girls video ever. BUT, this is even better than majority of guys videos!



Youtube blocked it in Germany for the music, so here’s vimeo. Still working on utv…


Thanks bro, haha I was kinda surprised I flipped the 4 cause I haven’t flipped anything in aaaages. But I think I finally figured out how to commit and lean on grinds so I’m pretty stoked on that. Actually I can commit to way more stuff now so thats cool.

Psh, not every clip. :stuck_out_tongue: Dude I forgot that I didn’t learn 3s until NAUCC, I was thinking it took like 11 months to go from 3s to 5s but it was really only like 4. :slight_smile:

:astonished: How did you get so good at all these roll combos!???

You made an awesome video! You’ve gotten sooo much better since the summer! I like your new camera and you did a really good job on editing. Your flat combos look great, I loved the varial roll, the combo with the unispin, the sidejump, and the big grinds. And nice fulloutspin. good luck at euc, go win some stuff:p

You’re wonderful, and it’s a good thing you’re so young…you will improve so much. I loved the 1ft coast at 2:00, awesome!