Juggling Video

I’ve been practicing juggling for a few days and this is how far I’ve gotten. It’s the last vid in the gallery: http://gallery.unicyclist.com/Freestyle-Pix-and-Movies

NOTE: It seems like all the vids I post on here I’m wearing a blue shirt. Creepy.

GOOD JOB! But what the hell was that music it was like saying sometin about goofy goobers or sometin??

Re: Juggling Video

You are making good progress. Hang in there. Keep trying.

try to keep your arms lower and look straight ahead having the balls peak at eye level.

That song is from the spongebob square pants movie…Duh!

Youre throwing them towards you. Instead throw them towards the other hand. Its a lot easier and then you dont hit yourself in the face with the balls.

ditto on what tim said, act like your scooping something up and then just toss them, and my religion teacher has that atomic clock on his wall



practice. then do it some more. like a few peopl have said move your arms lef to right, not in and out. keep them lower.

also, watch some of these videos. jasongarfield is one of the best in the world. these videos, epsecially the clubs will make your brain explode. well they will if you can comprehend just how hard some of these tricks are. but seriously they’re amazing.

Tyler I have been juggling since I was 7, I am 14 now. You are doing a lot wrong, first of all you need to toss them nice and even. Also don’t stop so often. And try and keep the balls under control as much as possible…I am a self taught juggler, meaning that I taught myself how to juggle one day so I am not the best teacher but those are the mistakes I saw you do, and you should try correcting them. You could also practice like 1 hour a day or whatever you think feels right. I practice about 1 hour, I can do 5 balls quite well. So good luck.

man goofy goobers? did they ever slaughter a good song.


i am also self taught. i learned one day when i wondered if i could in high school. didn’t do much with it until my junior year of college when i met some guys who passed clubs and i thought that looked like fun. an hour a day might be too long, especially if you’re just learning and can’t really do much yet. try maybe a half hour. just turn on the tv and only slightly pay attention to a show. juggle the whole time. that’s how i learned 5 semi-recently. only took about a week or 9 days or something like that of a good half hour.

I think my favorite part of the movie was when you fell down.