Juggling Question

I know there are jugglers on the forum. I have a question regarding juggling.

I am trying to learn it, but I am currently working with one ball. I am trying to develop my juggling rhythm from hand to hand. I wanted to know if dropping the ball is normal? I have the motion pattern down, but it isn’t always a perfect catch. Do I need to keep working on it until it is perfect, or am I ready to move on to 2 balls?

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Juggling three balls does not take terribly long to get the hang of. At least the basic pattern and flow. I would basically start there.

Perfecting it is what will take time.

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How much time? Like years?

I think I spent an evening getting to the point of a few successful juggles with three bean bags.

Oh, WOW! That’s impressive! :sunglasses: OK. I am adding a second ball. :slightly_smiling_face:

Quickly just move to three. I could talk more later about this, but juggling two balls is different enough to juggling three, and so on. The skill builds for each number, but they are different.

Take 30 minutes and focus on learning with three. I think you will make more progress than you may expect.

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OK. I will do that then.

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Just out of curiosity. What made you decide to learn to juggle?

It was just a weird thing I wanted to learn. Out of the many weird things I have delved into, I can confidently tell you that it is not super interesting. At least not the basic three item deal. Or at least thats my opinion.

Its a simple coordination trick to me. There just isnt too much complexity to it at its most basic. I was never compelled to get into more complex juggles or anything like that. The most I think I had done was five bean bags, but it was not super controlled with that many.

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Somewhat similar to my motives. I learned all the benefits for the brain it provides. Plus, I learned it can help with learning to ride the unicycle.

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Cool cool. Frankly I see no connection with it helping with unicycling, but cool.

Well, not that it officially helps with learning to ride, but it helps to improve balance.

That’s perfectly normal.

The speed of learning (as with unicycling) is dependent on the individual, some learn very quickly, others take a while, so don’t accept prescriptive advice and don’t rush your own learning.

The toughest part is moving from two to three balls and to learn this I’ve always taught people to throw the third ball away, in other words do not worry about catching it, rather worry about catching the first two and throwing the third. Once you’re comfy with that catching the third should come fairly quickly, but again, don’t rush it.
In fact, learning to relax whilst juggling is one of the best things to help learn.

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Once you can juggle its actually quite relaxing, I put some tunes on and enjoy.I dont know technical names but then you can cross hands whilst juggling throwing balls underneath wrists and another one where you throw balls over each other instead of them going under each other on the cross over so theres plenty of tricks to learn and then you can move onto clubs so enjoy :grinning:

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On a tips front get your one ball strong as it will make over all juggling look clean and tidy.

look straight ahead with keeping head still and throw ball from left to right at eye level,You will miss your hands with the ball but thats normal until muscle memory comes.

Spend time with it before going onto two balls which then will just be about timing of throwing the second ball.

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Perfect! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m at 2 balls now, but I felt like I might be dropping a little too much. I will stick with 2 then, until I get comfortable with them. Thank you all for your help. :blush:

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This is a great tutorial that explains why dropping is essential to learning how to juggle.

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Ahhh. That’s good to know. So, it is perfectly normal and is to be expected. :+1:I never really thrown a ball before. At least not a controlled one. That was why I had to ask. I had no way of defining what was normal. Hmmm. I think I will continue practicing with 2 balls then, before I move to 3.

once you get good at two balls starting from say left hand first throw and then from right hand first throw then three balls is just bringing the two together :smiley:

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The key point here is to care of precise throwing rather than for catching. IMHO.