Jagermeister liqueur

awile ago Unibrier brought me a tiny bottle of Jager from Canada and ever since then i could sware that the stuff they sell here in the states is slightly differant…

im drinking a 750ml bottle right now and it just doesnt taste the same,its good but not the same.

anyone know about this?

Drink more; it will keep tasting better and you’ll get more handsom but you’re unicycling will suffer.

that does’nt answer my query Unibrier! im down to 450ml and i still dont know the diff…

shurly somone must know the truth about this hooch?
sorry for calling you shurly…

Could be made differently for the canucks. Just like Coca-Cola from Mexico tastes different.

the lady at the liquer store said it may have had codine in it.

i guess us freedom loving americans cant handle that stuff :roll_eyes:

Damn, I need to get some of that stuff!
Of course I have close to 400mg of codine floating around the house from various prescriptions.

Re: Jagermeister liqueur

could it be the difference in the water they use?

Probably. You see, the moose, they… ummmm…

Meese? Mooses? Meeses?

if that’s the size of yer moose laddie, i dont want to see yer rets!!

I’ll have to start posting more when I’m drunk! :smiley: