Jackie's short video clips thread!

Heart Shaped Glasses by Marylin Manson. The Album’s ‘Eat me, Drink Me’.

I hope you won’t hold this against Marylin! http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/clevey/?id=65000376

(I know he made that statement before Bush was elected, but you still might find it shocking lol! :slight_smile: )

I like his art. His views are his own, I don’t care about them as long as they don’t get too stupid.

Yeah I’ve watched him in interviews. He seems quite intelligent and thoughtful.

He’s a very underapreciated person. He’s very talented and expresive.
But yeah, in that election he went on to support Gore for a while then he finally decided that politicians are idjiots and didn’t vote.
But God dangit, Terry… Whenever we talk in threads it goes way off topic! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha sorry about that. Those clips are cool! I’m going out tomorrow to try some new stuff including those no footers!:smiley:

Cool, I’ll want to see! In the mean time, I think I’ll start using black lipstick… sexxxxyyyyyy…

Jackie left. He isnt here anymore.

He wanted me to post this for him.

Eh, if you can walk after, you’re fine :wink:

“Is that a no?” Hahaha.

YOUCH!!! Dude, best uni bail in a long time.


That sounded like he was getting burnt at the stake, now that I think of it.

Damn! Was he really hurt? That looked like he narrowly missed a possible bad neck/head injury! Was he trying to land on that second wooden section on the ground?

Oh yeah, he got hit hard. Mark across his ribs, and its kinda swollen voer there too. Im sure its gonna feel worse tomorrow, but he said hes gonna take a break from riding for a while to let it heal up.

He wasnt going for the wooden section. All three of us think its possable. Just have to go full speed, get lucky and have the pedal lined up and launch.

He just wanted to rollit with some speed, felt like he was leaning to far forward, bailed, and smashed into it. I was worried he broke a rip or something. He couldnt see out of one eye for about a min, which is weird, but hes fine now, just sore.

Well if he wasn’t trying to land on that wood section, which is right in front of the landing area, it’s in the worst place if you bail, like he did! Did you try moving it so he would at least have a clear path to roll out? With all the definite forward momentum that drop would have, it seems almost impossible to avoid at least running into it! But man, I give Jackie major props for attempting that, and all the other big stuff he’s done…and you too! :slight_smile:

Yeah… but I was walking like a drunk person… haha.

He started screaming before he even hit the thing lol. Still looked painful though. You’d have to have a pretty long rolling hop to make that. You didn’t get very close, but it looked like you pulled out. Go for it next time and you might not hurt yourself as much :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice bail. Speed recovery! Reminds me of


that kid got hammered.

andd yehh, Jackies stack is appropriately named.

lucky it wasnt face first into the edge.

I wasn’t going for the gap. I was trying to do the drop and then somehow get around the ramp. I’ve only been doing muni seriously for the first time in a year, for about a week. Otherwise I would have gone for the gap. The gap would be easy with the drop. It’s just mental.
But I was going for the drop…