ive seen the Matrix (no spoilers)

well i saw it tonite…

i have to say that the first 30 to 40 minutes were pretty lame,to much kung fu and it wasnt that good either.some of it does look like a coin-operated video game left on demo.

the cheesyest part is when Neo fighting with 1000 replicated Mr.smiths and just before Neo flys away he slings one of them into the crowd and there is a bowling pin sound effect!!? (whats up with that?)

the last half was full of good action,though the “freeway scene” will not be remembered for along time like Lawence Fishburn (Morphous) had proclamed to the press weeks ago.

the best part is when Neo meets the architect of the Matrix,thats all i will say…but there are answers here that the movie greatly needed at the 1 hour and 45 minute mark.

bottom line:

it wasnt as good as the first one…

im glad its not the last…

i had heard that it was a cliffhanger ending but no one mentioned that it acually says “to be continued” at the end…it does…

Re: ive seen the Matrix (no spoilers)

it actually said to be concluded.

Sorry if i’m being a jerk or something. I don’t know why i care about that so much

yes it said “to be continued” at the end.

i think its easier to make 2 sequals now days than one…

yeah, in the great land of oz it said ‘to be concluded’…and apparently there was a preview of the third installment but we couldnt be bothered waiting for it…

Re: ive seen the Matrix (no spoilers)

[QUOTE] [i]Originally posted by jagur [/i] [B]the last half was full of good action,though the "freeway scene" will not be remembered for along time like Lawence Fishburn (Morphous) had proclamed to the press weeks ago.[/B] [/QUOTE] [B]I saw it today. I didn't have any expectations and I thought it was quite good. I liked the freeway scene. It reminded me of this ad on TV where this worried lady rings up her husband and says "Theres a madman driving the wrong way up the highway" and he replies "Its not just one, there are hundreds of 'em". I didn't see any previews at the end, but it doesn't bother me because the next one will come out sooner or later. To be continued and to be concluded both mean the same thing except concluded is more final. Being concluded is still a continuation in a way.[/B]
    [IMG]http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/armed/2gunsfiring.gif[/IMG] . . . [IMG]http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/armed/badass.gif[/IMG]

Yes, from the start of the Matrix it was the intention to make 3 parts.

I’ve seen a screenshot based on a real exploit…
This is how getting root looks like.

and the success of the first one simply served as a barometer of how much they could spend on the sequels?
i was wondering about the original conceptualisation last night
after i saw it

one lil’ thing bothered me tho (and this isn’t important to the plot at all so if u haven’t seen the movie yet, u dont have to stop reading now)
in the first movie i distinctly remember neo’s freeing from the machines being followed by some time in a capsule of sorts with needles stuck all over him to rebuild the atrophied muscles
shortly after that, there was a scene with Tank removing all the ‘plug-points’ from his arms and chest
it was actually mentioned that they could remove all of them except for the main one at the base of the skull (too tied in to brain function to be safely removed)
yet in the second movie, back in the real world of zion, they all have all their plug-points back
am i missing something?

No that’s just like reality, you can’t escape the system.

I’ve seen chips developed by an Calafornian company that had exact the same color and materials.
It was a serious proposal of the congress to put a very small GPS-chip into each tourist that enter America. On the long term any citizen should have one.
Yes, just like the 666 bible part. The recharching is done by bodyheat. No kidding. Here you’ll find a picture of a litium version.

Actually, I liked Reloaded better than the first Matrix movie.

Also, I seem to be one of few people who really liked the fight scene with the Agent Smiths. I can’t understand how people get upset that it looks fake; it looked completely awesome to me, and I’ve seen it 3 times.

I would love to defend it, but I think doing so would end up giving too many spoilers =(

I remember hearing the second matrix was supposed to be a build up for the 3rd one.
It was very entertaining, an awesome film no doubt, but is doesn’t surpass the awesomeness of the first one.
I agree with Jagur, the fist half hour or so was slow, but then it started to kick in gear.
Several of my friends liked it better than the first, expecialy the girls…hmm. :roll_eyes:

Yes there was a short trailer after the credits, Matrix Revolution I think its called, very cool, cant wait.

Darn, I read this thread to read “I am the Matrix”… I thought Jagur had an admission to make- some metaphisical explenation of personal ominipotance. Guess I’ll have to deal with the dissapointment again.

The hole ‘Matrix’ thang was a contrivance, a framework to build a world in which Superhero’s would have a reason to exist; in this respect, the section of the flick with the information broker and his minions, especialy the foyer fight on the stair case was on the mark- the bad guy got to say “I’ll be back Spider-Man- and I’m gonna get ya”. That’s what it’s all about.

The Matrix is made of Swiss Cheeze -and is full of more holes. Ummmm- cheeze! No less enjoyable for the little round holes, though. If it tastes bad, spit it out alla ‘Battlefield Earth’.

I hear Tim Burton directs the conclusion.


Re: ive seen the Matrix (no spoilers)


i just watched it again and found another ultra cheese doodle part: when the cops go into persuit of the the key maker just as the freeway chase starts,you can here a police radio say " one Adam twelve" like the old t.v. show! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

ah… but this reason … it is created to be doubted. i think that is cool. the first movie, yes we believe there are superheroes to save the day. but the superhero is just a system of control within a system of control.
however, being a superhero is not what it’s all about, as we find out.

(are there actually people who haven’t seen it yet?)

what is the conclusion?

The conclusion is the third and final episode of the Matrix. SpeeedyJ claims it is called Matrix Revolution.

Indeed it is. Trailer thingy:



<pedantic>The Matrix Revolutions</pedantic>