It's taking over the world!!!

But what actually is it?! I still haven’t seen the attraction, but people all over the place seem to be clamouring for it.

An interview with the people who make HomeStar Runner:

It’s just appeared on slashdot, so don’t expect it to be super speedy… :slight_smile:


Man phil, I thought you’d be at least some what on top of things… you just don’t know until you go. However, if you’ve ever wondered where half of mine and bagpiperboy’s sigs and titles come from, here’s the place.

It’s just like… well… i mean… you know.

It may be corny, but it is hilarious. NOW GET ME A DANISH!!

-Jon Davis


-Jonathan Ware-


Phil, thanks for posting about Strong Bad. I love it.

Apparently the site was a bit swamped right after you posted about it. It was very slow. Cool. There must be more of us than I originally thought.

It’s back up to speed. If anybody hasn’t checked it out, they should. I didn’t like the latest one very much - Monster Truck – but the others I looked at were great. Start at the top and work your way down. (the ones at the bottom of the list seem to be older, shorter, and not quite as funny – so start with the best and work your way down). Sounds like I don’t like Strong Bad – but I’m just saying sample a few before you decide – because most of them are fantastic.

I am hooked. As soon as Jury Duty ends, I will infect everybody at the office.

To skip the review article and go straight there - Strong Bad email

Or to the main page - Homestar Runner

uni57 (Dave)

(post was edited to add a single letter ‘d’ to the end of one word…)

Yeah, it was overwhelmed by hordes of unicyclists descending on it. Nasty.

A slashdotting had nothing to do with it, mmmkay?


You think? Nope, it was us. We rule.

uni57 (Dave)

Dude, how can you say something like that and then not make a referance to Trog Dor, the Burninator?

'He’s a Man-
a Dragon Man-
or maybe he’s just a Dragon.

But still, he’s TROG DOR.’

I need to go ‘Burninate’ my office building now.



I love homestar

Seriously My old title below my name was, “The Burninator”

Burninating all the people in the THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!!

-peace out-

This must be where Uni57 got his avatar from. WHOA :smiley: :astonished: :smiley:

I love Homestar. I just wanna go hug him!

Welcome to, Its dot net! Lol.

I used to have a Trogdor t-shirt. It’s too small now, though. :frowning:

used to have a strong bad hoodie, but i left it out side for maybe 3 weeks and it became permentally stinky

No! The image came to me in a dream one night. I fired up Photoshop the next morning and started painting… and that’s what I ended up with. Who’s StrongBad?

My avatar changes all by itself sometimes.

For a while, it was possessed by BillyTheMountain and its eyes glowed red…

And when everyone on the forum “went pink”, well, look what happened…