is it possible to fit a 2.5" wheel on TORKER2 24 Freestyle frame ?

I just bought a unicycle Nimbus II Freestyle 24"
and i extremely want to turn it into a SEMI STANDARD-MUNI.

I don’t expect it to be so strong or go into a forest :slight_smile:

So , The question is

1.) will a 2.5" wheel fit in the frame ? if not, what is the biggest size that could fit in that frame ?

2.) If I want to upgrade my unicycle to a SEMI STANDARD-MUNI, do i have to change the wheel set or just the inner tube and Tire or inner tube + tire + Rim

This is the model i bought :slight_smile:

  1. Yes, that uni will take a 2.5" tire. 2.6" is probably the largest that will fit.

  2. Yes, you can replace the tire (and tube) and do some muni. Bear in mind that the max tire size is smaller, the rim is narrower, and the cranks are shorter than a purpose built 24" muni.

There are plenty of threads discussing tires that fit this uni, about muni on this model, about this uni vs a purpose built muni, et cetera.

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