Indisputable evidence of God's existence.

They’re actually easier to peel from the “wrong” end and they have a handy little holding bit that way. Most primates actually eat 'nanas from that end; Keep your eyes open next time you watch a wildlife documentary.

Some of you are taking this way too seriously. That video is pretty freakin’ hilarious! :smiley:

Because we didn’t evolve from current apes, we simply have a common ancestor. We branched off awhile ago.


><> Bananas For Christ <><

You can believe a banana is just a banana or a banana is a wonder of God’s creation.

Either way, in that video they’ve just plain gone bananas.

Green beans must be for small children then.

On watching the video again I would just like to point out that the spoof potential for that video, especially the XXX version, is grand.

Y’all can let your minds wander on that one.

><> Bananas for CENSORED <><

It is actually the right end, that it the way apes do it, I sometimes do this if the banana is a bit too green to open from the “human’s” end with the “tab” for easy opening.

Edit: oops, I didn’t read MrBoogyjuice’s post.

Sometimes, usually when watching news items about football fans, it is hard not to conclude that for some, “a while ago”, was earlier this week.

Nao :roll_eyes:

Only if you defecate fertile seeds…

wow, people are still trying to put it down ehh??

ohh well, i have real undisputable evidence that God exists

where did everything come from, lets go w/ the scientific explanation here, just for fun.

ok, so the big bang made the earth that eventually got exactly in the right spot for life to begin and yadayada we know the rest. What caused the big bang? Maybe a huge star or something, but where did that come from , and if you have an answer where did that come from, EVERYTHING had a beginning :slight_smile:

Did God have a beginning? Why must everything have a cause?

If everything has to have a beginning as is necesary to validate your argument, where did God come from? And you can’t say he always existed because you clearly stated taht everythign has to have a beginning

By the reasoning you are using: Since God had no beginning God can’t exist

A politician thousands of years ago created God.

Oh, and I just figured out that if I were a christian, I’d be gay, as in a homosexual. That’s because I would love Jesus, a man, before all else.

The thought that everything must have a beginnig is just a product of the way humans are made. It aint necessarily so. Because we begin and end, we think that everything else must.



the universe is currently expanding according to scientists, eh.
the universe is infinite, i.e it goes on forever, according to scientists.

if it is already infinitly big, how can it expand? where’s it expanding to? if it does, will we find jesus?


sigh Why can’t people understand that if god can be self-causing/self-evident, there is nothing to stop the universe from having that same trait. The only place that the argument can go from here is into metaphysics, and no one wants that.

I want to start some threads (but I don’t think I could stomach it):

“ITT You post your proof of God and Seager tells you why it’s flawed”
and then it’s sister thread:
“ITT you post your disproof of God and Seager tells you why it’s flawed”

I’m not sure why people still try. There hasn’t been any new ideas on this debate for thousands of years. Every argument possible on this subject has been had. (for instance, Skrobo’s post was simply a bad re-hashing of Aquinas’ well debunked “third argument”, no doubt taught to him by some well meaning youth minister who also doesn’t know what he’s talking about) You just can’t prove or disprove something has mumbo-jumboey as God.

For the record, the funny video that this thread is about is a bad example of Aquinas’ “fifth argument,” the design argument. (for those in back who weren’t paying attention)

><> Old Tired Debate For Christ <><

either you’re going to die believing, or you’re going to die not believing, either way you’re dead

But I believe God is a human invention. Who invented him/her? Probably lots of people in lots of cultures all over the world. Later, some agreed on their Gods’ being the same thing, while others disagreed, giving them additional reasons to go to war with each other.

But for Skrobo, if you wanted to explain how the “stuff before the big bang” proves the existence of something else, be our guest. Scientists say “we don’t know” about what there was before the big bang. They are giving the right answer (for the moment).

… Your undisputable proof is a question? I’m no expert at debating, but I’m pretty sure you can’t win like that.

On the topic of bananas, I find them to be cumbersome in your hand. Sure it’s in the shape of a handle, but you have to eat that part, and eventually you run out of room to get a firm grip on the thing. If God had designed bananas properly, he would have made them more like corndogs.

Mmmmm. Corndogs.