If you had an unlimited supply of cash, and...

You could build any uni, what would the specs be?:smiley:

Stock Kris Holm 20"

It would be an island in the South Pacific.

With a seat made from a live cat.

If you could spend millions of thousands of dollars to create any custom unicycle you want, you would spend 400 or so dollars on one that anyone can get?
I like Harper’s better.

Well I think most custom jobs is overkill. The KH is great, I wouldn’t replace much more then like… A carbon fiber seat base, a better seatpost, and the pedals. Everything else I would probably leave like it is.

But of course if I had unlimited money I would just go for the most expensive stuff possible, regardless of increased strength/performance.

And the most expensive-type paint job possible (whatever that may be).

Flame decals that actually make you spontaneously combust. That’d be wicked.

Not as wicked as a built-in jet pack!!

Ok, that’d be pretty wicked as well.

mine would have 20 gears changeable w/ a button under seat and it would be indestructible and look really awesome

I’d like every component made from some exotic ceramic that is see-thru.

That might stop people from asking “Where’s your other wheel?”

  • Ceramic magura brakes for my dream unicycle.
  • My dream unicycle. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • My cars would be a Fiat 500, Mini Cooper, Peel P50 and Ford GT40.
  • Renovate my house.
  • Give $10m+ to my parents.
  • Explore every country in the world.
  • Travel to meet my fellow unicyclists.
  • Give some $$$ to the people on my buddy list. :wink:

:smiley: I have more but that will do for now. :smiley:

yea cause i think its perfect the way it is.

Where did the unlimited supply of cash come from? If it involved a mask and a financial institution the supply may seem unlimited but eventually you run out of luck. It’s not smart to carry too much cash or hide it all under your mattress either.

If I had an unlimited supply of cash I would buy an international ad campaign to raise awareness about unicycle threads in JC.

He must be part of the Federal Reserve.



What was ever wrong with this thread?!


Nothing wrong with that thread except it was started in the wrong forum.

increase the quality of water available in 3rd world countries.
provide free birth control and STD education for everyone.
educate everyone about farming and construction techniques.
provide healthcare and basic nourishment for the impoverished.
fund research into AIDS, cancer and degenerative diseases.
arm the homeless.

You, sir, have received your consumeristic programming well. A model US citizen!

Wrong answer. The question said unlimited cash, not unlimited wealth. Big difference. With unlimited wealth, one could do that. With unlimited cash, all that is happening is that you are paying for these things at the expense of everyone else (via inflation), except for your particular special interests. While those may be well intentioned, you as the central planner are probably not close enough to the problem to do it right, and you are definitely not close enough to those who suffer so you will likely not realize the problems you are causing.

Exactly what happens when cash is looked at as being too easy to get access to for some. They are given easy access to cash, but they don’t know how to manage it. They get bailed out and then given access to easy cash again. Incentive to fail means many malinvestments.

Surely from marketing efforts?

But surely ‘malinvestments’, as you so Orwellesquely call them, is a fabulous way of gaining the necessary knowledge to avoid same in future?
School of hard knocks and all that?