If you could start over...

The only time i learned rear dismount and had actual appreciation is when Im on my 36er with my handlebar reinstalled. With rear dismount, the calve smacking bar is friendlier. But I cant seem to get used to the bar, and have no use for it. For me at least, it doesnt increase my balance, neither speed, nor comfort. I’ll get it removed on my next ride. So back to my front dismounts if i choose, and painless (or less pain) UPDs.

Yes, we must argue about which is better, front or rear dismounts. Because Internet. :roll_eyes:

I was 22 when I first started riding in 2000. I guess the only thing I’d like was to have raced at Unicon X in Beijing, which means I should have started about 2-3yrs earlier.

On the other hand, I was heavily into mountainbike racing then…unicycling came along as I finished up on the national circuit, so was probably the right time. I don’t think realistically I’d want anything different.

Greatest (and worst) response to an argument I’ve ever observed. :slight_smile:

Not sure how this discussion turned into a front vs. rear dismount thing. Front dismounts are definitely the quickest (rules for 36", geared and brakes sometimes excepting). Rear dismounts look better. Front dismounts are functional. Rear dismounts are more stylish, or at least give the impression of more control. That’s why Level 1 in the Skill Levels has you dismount to the rear; to show control.

:slight_smile: To be fair, this forum isn’t close to the worst about getting into pointless endless debates about which of any two things is better, as though axiomatically one of them had to be and nothing was more important than deciding which one. I was reacting more to what I’ve seen other places, but I had a bad feeling about where it was going. And I hope it isn’t still going there. :astonished:

I think it’s all fun and games here. But I definitely know what you mean…sometimes they’re painfully awkward yet wonderfully entertaining. :smiley:

some more off-topic:

this reminds me of