Idling and backwards

I think I agree with all the advice above about learning idling and backwards. The good thing about learning idling/backwards is that it is incremental learning and a natural extension of speed variation in normal riding - it is not like a special trick that you have to get into your mind and pluck up courage and “go for it” (in fact overthinking the “how” of idling should probably be avoided). The ideal way to learn is to have a smallish wheel unicycle and a motivation to hang around in your driveway and play rather than go for an interesting long ride. It could be good to have kids to look after so you are not able to leave home on a ride ;-).

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Great point Gocup,
I would classify certain tricks like backwards and idling as:
Seated and both feet on pedals trick
Where the trick is just learning more “control” with what you already do.

Versus, doing such tricks as:
-One footing on tire(wheel walk)
-One footing on pedal
-jumping crank spins
-jumping unicycle seat spins

You see those tricks above require extra motion, position and balancing in order to do those tricks.

So, idling and backwards “should be the easiest” tricks to learn because you already know how to ride with both feet on pedal and your butt on the seat. Right?


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riding forwards is one thing and when you tumble you just bend forwards and hop/step off, but once doesn’t bend backwards, at least I don’t. Leaning backwards is therefore scary. With idling you can still keep your balance in place, so it isn’t so scary. Oh yes the problem I had when holding a pole while idling was that the wheel would move away to the side, either closer to the pole or probably away from the pole. I understand you should only lightly touch the pole and keep the weight and balance on the seat, but as you start out, I reckon I’d hang too much towards the pole.

And once you master this, do you transition to weight on the saddle? Or idling should only be about weight on the feet?

Okay, so we got some feedback:
a.) Setonix asking:
-Hazards of backwards riding.
-Issue with idling practice holding a stationary pole
b.) Pierrox asking:
-Idling weight on feet or saddle?

Great points all:

  1. Let’s talk about hazards of unicycle backwards riding(BKWD), first.

This begs the question:
a.) Should we be riding backwards with the same purpose of riding forwards(FWD)?

My quick answer, abso-fukenlutely Not!!!!, I will explain in more details, later.
but let’s get back to the dukes of Hazards.

Injuries. Broken bones. Comas. Upper Cervical Spine. Lower Pelvic, Sacrum, Illiac,…etc. What injuries have you sustained from actually riding BKWD. Let’s stop and talk about injuries and experiences, first. Shall we.

All you experts or beginners who can ride BKWD or attempted and got hurt, please share your experiences. Especially, if you gave up or “might like” to give it another try.

Then I will give my answer on this. (hopefully, I do not get too technical: free body diagrams, force moment equations, seriously,…). My current BKWD riding method can be distilled in two topics.
-BKWD riding BAILOUT TECHNIQUE (Only one method)
-BKWD riding RULES(It’s a trick, not a commute)
This is very critical for me. Why?
Because I am one of those “knucklehead” unicycle riders who refuse to wear safety gear.
I will “wear” during learning, but once learned. I make it an absolute rule to master “incremental steps” and follow specific rules/protocol to remove certain risks out of the equation.

You will see that this is incorporated in my learning process or next topic: BKWD learning technique.

Setonix/Pierrox, I promise I will get back on topic regarding idling. In fact, my idling and BKWD are highly related in the next topic of bailing out and learning technique.


So I focused on learning how to idle and alternate between stop/going.

what I found help:

  1. watching my daughter do it. she learns quite a bit faster and can idle indefinitely on multiple size unis and on any kind of footwear. the important observation is that the hip needs to adjust a lot and the unicycle almost “turns” continuously while idling.
  2. riding very slowly and spend more time riding slowly on grass. it helps with my balance. to the point I can ride one step at a time with a slight pause in between on flats, much like when I ride down a slope.
  3. roll-back mounts. as you said this is half-idling.

I can now idle at most 8 times, but with a lot of effort and my weight isn’t nearly all on the seat. is this normal when you are just starting to idle?

another thing I find very difficult is to stop riding forward, go backwards for 1 revolution and then continue riding, as a lot of people suggest doing. it seems to take me a lot of force to bring the unicycle to a stop unless I’m already riding extremely slowly. when it happens the weight is working against me and it feels like I’m stuck - the uni refuses to go backwards due to either my foot still exerting forward force, or that I might not be leaning backwards enough, and then I’m forced to dismount due to lack.of balance (uni is not moving for too long). I sort of know what’s happening but it’s difficult to correct.

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When stopping really push down on the back pedal and lean quite far back.

As for idling and riding backwards i found holding something while practicing idling doesn’t help in the slightest. You have to be hands free without holding anything to really help learning to balance.
Ten minutes a day and repeat over and over again.

For backwards i found half a rev backwards was easy. I had problems when my weak foot was at the back and couldn’t do the next half rev.

I was very scared, so i used a wall to hold on to to ride backwards so i could get the motions correct.
Next i practiced without a wall and pedal backwards very slowly.

I also found i had too much weight on my pedals and sometimes when falling i couldn’t lift my feet and fell on my back a couple of times.

Every time i practiced it took a lot of courage to get over that half rev. Once i did it very slowly i was ok though and could continue practicing.

Now i don’t even think about that scary half rev.

I found ten minutes practice each day and then not practicing for a week helped build the muscle memory.


Safety gear for practicing riding backwards:


I ride an euc daily and so i have body armour and protected shorts i can put on if i’m nervous about trying anything.

Nice! I really have to lean scary far back but it works. Now I ride, stall to idle 2-3 times and can continue. I think it was purely psychological that I didn’t lean back nearly enough. Thanks for the tip!


Why don’t you try a 1/4 rev. Yes, pause, 1/4, pause.
You will be at the 3/9 o’clock position, where you can pause for a moment.

The trick again as has been many times is “back pressure”.
Do not just merely press down with the “leading foot”.
Enjoy the momentum, as the alternate pedal advances for “another press”.

That’s the difference between regular bicycle and unicycle.
Using both pedals at the same time.
A unicycle is not an “efficient” mechanism. Never has been. Never will be.
That extra energy is what creates “balance”. Give it a try.


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Stand up!!!
Yes, get off the saddle. Get up.
That’s what you do when you ride muni, and want to crawl down a steep drop.
Give it a try. Don’t forget to use one hand to hold the saddle, ofcourse…or not…if you good.


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For me personally, I never idle. If you are trying to learn to idle just so you can know how to do it then sure learn it. But If you are learning it because you want to be able to stop in place to wait to cross the road or if you want to talk to people without getting off, I recommend just learning how to hop in place, and it is so much easier to learn and its a lot more comfortable to do.