I made an Electric-Assist Unicycle

Yesterday I finally finished making an electric assist unicycle based on the design of Justin LE. Unlike his original build, it doesn’t use a throttle but a set of predefined motor torque levels, to allow the user to remain hands free if needed. I’m still getting the hang of it, but in general it’s a smooth ride. I’ll be posting a video of me riding it within the next week or so once our weather clears up a bit, but in the meantime, here is an album and discussion of our entire build process.

Right now, there is no internal gearing but that is the eventual goal once I learn to ride it ungeared a little better, and get a bit more spare time.

congrats! That is very impressive!

This is awesome. How’s your thumb?

Looks great. Looking forward to hear how it goes as you test it.

That’s a really cool project! I admire your perseverance. I feel your pain too in dealing with the square hub. Final design looks great. Very elegant solution. Keep us posted on your progress.

Cool project!!

I’m very interested in pursuing a project like this! What size wheel are you using? Do you know what size Justin’s is? I plan on being in Vancouver towards the end of the month and want to visit Grin. It’s so impressive seeing your build through all the pictures.

I’d love to visit Grin. Justin used a 29", which is a great size when geared. I also used a 29" but it’s a bit limited simply due to my legs’ RPM since it’s not geared. If you’re interested, you should note that UDC rims are all 36 hole, but Justin’s motor is 32 hole. I was able to find a 32 hole rim in 29", but I doubt you’d be able to find a 32-hole 36" rim.