I Got Sponsored!!!

Yes, that’s right. I got Sponsored!! No, not by KH, K1, Qu-Ax, or anything like that, but by New West Knife Works.

It’s only a partial sponosorship (50% off) but hey, it’s better than a slap in the face with a fish!!

Anyway, my culinary life is really starting to take off and I just wanted to share it with my UNI commUNIty.

Take care,


THat’s cool. I like knives.

All I will say is congrats!!! And how/why…Knife company??? I imagine the only unicycle related thing would be knife juggling?

Or reading the original post about being a sweet culinary artist. How is juggling related to unicycling? Two completely different things!

Wow, I’m stupid :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Unicycling is considered a form of juggling but I can sense this going into a major off topic war…

I knew it! I remembered your culinary interests from your other thread, so before reading the above, I had a feeling that you weren’t talking about unicycling. Congratulations!

P.S. - By the way, I really like this one, with the Jessica handle.

You can say that again. :wink:

How often do you juggle when you unicycle? Would you call it juggling with your feet?

They look cool, but I wouldn’t like the designs they have on the blade in the kitchen. Seems like they would be more difficult to keep clean. Also their “Sashimi knife” isn’t great. But hey you are sponsored by them so thats awesome!

The Chef 8 and 6 look not bad though. The 6 would be great for deboning chickens.

How about that job? Did you get it yet?

BTW whats your speed record for deboning a chicken? I’m at under five minutes now, including butterflying the breast, and evening out the leg, but not including deboning the wings (just removing them from the breast).

I want to make a video tutorial on how to debone chickens because its something they never taught me properly in school and now that I know the best way to do it, its super easy!

Please do. I frequently roast small chickens, cut all the meat off, make one meal out of the meat (reserving the rest), portion and freeze the rest of the gravy for another time, simmer the carcass to make chicken stock, then add the rest of the meat back in when I make soup out of the stock. My question is… where is the thigh? When I buy chicken parts the thigh seems to be a distinct piece of the chicken. But when I get a whole chicken, I don’t see the thigh. It seems to be missing. I just see the drumstick parts of the legs and the wings. I need your video. Chicken Anatomy (From A Bird-As-Food Perspective) 101.

Also, why do you debone a chicken? Is it because buying the separate parts increases the food cost? Seems labor intensive. I guess that’s why speed is important? Wow, if the chickens only knew.

thats prety cool, congratulations,

i remeber when i was like 13-14 i wanted to be a cook at a resturant

It was somewhere around 6min45sec or somthing like that, I had started to sanitize my area by the time i clicked the stopwatch, which was at 8 by that time, so no exact time. And i didn’t butterfly the breast, but that was in the first monthe and a half of school so i feel like i could do it a hell of a lot faster.

I’m actually getting the fusionwood santuko with the peacock handle and the pheonix stone “the nine”. They should be some pretty sweet knifes.

"Also, why do you debone a chicken? Is it because buying the separate parts increases the food cost? " -uni57

I’m pretty sure that the reason, from one chicken you can feed 4-5 people, make soups, stocks, and all that good stuff, and if you know what your doing it’s not anymore labor intensive than peeling potatoes.

I <3 Cooking


Cool. You guys make me want to take apart a chicken. I think that will be fun (if I can find the thigh).

I haven’t looked yet, so I’m probably being lazy in asking, but are there any resources that will show me how to do this (short of going to school)?