"How to pick up chicks"

(I just thought maybe this could be posted in JC, since it’s not all about uni)

I’m introducing a new Uni Geezer segment I’m calling “Uni-Geezer’s Teasers”. They’re basically a single, short comedy bit shot on the spur of the moment.

This is the first one entitled, “How to pick up chicks”, and was inspired by a recent thread called: “is the uni a chick magnet”. Haha! It’s all in fun…Enjoy! :sunglasses:

nice one

Not bad, not bad at all:)

I find that my muni is more of a stick magnet than a chick magnet. My muni is much better at pick-up sticks than picking up chicks.

that was funny…
how many chiks do u think u culd get to say that are under the age of 40…but they have to say it on camera…

Video removed by the user ):

Ya, why’d you take it off? :frowning:

Cracking Munigeezer vid. I feel privileged to have seen it.
It’s gone underground and will become the stuff of legends.

I totally understand your reasons for taking it down (at least until you run into her again and get permission).

In the meantime, you’re single, right? Give it a go for real! :smiley:

Aww man Terry come on dude don’t hold out on us.