How many people in your family unicycle?

Are you the only one or did you learn because it is something your family does?

Of the 5 people in my family, 4 ride. The one who doesn’t is 5 months old, so we will give him a couple more months to fulfill the family membership requirement.

well two out of six in my family do, but im the only one thats out riding like 3 hours a day.

also i hate your icon/ avatar, its nasty

I promised my mother (may she rest in peace) that I would display her picture wherever I went, but if it is really that offensive to you, I will see what I can do.

edit: I changed it now.

I’m the only one in my family who unicycles. My little brother can ride about 20 metres, but he has stopped practising because he hurt himself bad… My parents are a bit afraid of unicycling, saying that they will brake their backs and stuff like that. :slight_smile:

Two out of three. Me and my 11 year old son do, and my wife is thinking about learning sometime maybe but stop pushing it darn it because that won’t make it happen any faster. :smiley:


You don’t unicycle?

My family is 2 out of 5. My little brother started about eight months after I did.

4 out of five of us kids unicycle in my family.

Dagnabbit… I missed it :smiley:

0 relatives
0 friends
0 neighbors
0 in my city (that know of)
0 in Chicago (that I know of)

some in burbs thou …

Just me! My mom tried sitting on it once, but that was too scary for her-lol

My Sisters boyfriend, apparently did. I guess hes sorta family cause hes technically common law now…so I guess he can count to make two. But he doesnt now.

This should have been a poll. I like polls.

you shoudl make a poll then!

lol nope. Nah I do. That answer would have been apropriat if the question was how many other peole in your family unicycle.

Soooo ONE:(

Re: How many people in your family unicycle?

I learned because I don’t know why.

I am the only one.

But I have about three people in my fan club.

P.S. - My Main Man Tim unicycles most excellently.

I’m the only one. my family is made up of losers, they don’t even BIKE! they get no exercise. I think I was switched at birth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you are just the first link in a stronger, more intelligent chain. :wink:


I think this would make an interesting poll.

Don’t be stupid. We’ve had enough polls here.

I’m new and stupid. I don’t know how to make polls and anyway, that sounds like a lot of work.

Me, my brother, and three uncles…but only myself and one of my uncles mUni.