How many pegs? on your face..

How many pegs can you fit on your face?
the world record is 159 but i am going to beat it!
I comfortabley fitted 40 odd on last night then ran out because the washing was on the line :frowning:

I went to take a picture but the camera had bat flatteries, i have one on my phone but cannot get it onto the computer :frowning:

lets contest: the most pegs on face picture wins!


Edit that, the face has to be your own…

Go for it!

I dont have any pegs sadly, except maybe a few, so ill have to step back on this one.

What, specifically, is a peg?

Clothes pegs. Think of unitik’s avatar.

Here’s the record:

Doesn’t seem like a very fun record to try and beat.

the guy who got the record had a skin disease so he was allowed to stretch it(thats what ripley’s believe or not said)…unless you have very stretchy skin i doubt you’ll beat it.

yeah it is unfair, i researched him last night.

i still think i have a fair chance, i am quite the peg manipulator.

as for not being a fun record to break, it is funner than throwing washing machines!

i will print out the pic today then scan it on to the computer tonight. it is not a world wide competition now, it is a unicyclist competition :slight_smile: i could get the record for the most pegs on face whilst riding a unicycle !!

not a bad idea

he is using wooden pegs, that is kinda unfair. i had a few wooden pegs and they are much softer and easier to place than the pointy plastic ones. time to go by some pegs :slight_smile:

Aren’t they called Clothes Pins?

These, are clothespins :slight_smile: clever ones at that. imagine putting them on my face and then along comes some precipitation

set a unicycling/peg record

like, longest distance ridden on a unicycle with 30 clothes pegs stuck on your face.

how out most pegs attatched to crotch whilst riding unicycle…

Unless you got balls of steel i would not even attempt this!

I would I reckon I could get 13-20

That’s pretty good though. :smiley: :smiley:

Your scrotum would be red for a while.

But if you google clothes pins, look what you get:

…ignore this.

I’m having difficulties with the link

Just had to share what I found.
