How long did it take you to learn to freemount?

I agree, and if you can hop this is the only mount you’ll need to know. For Muni it can be done in small places where there are no room for rollback. When I need to mount a 36’er up hill, I do a static mount down hill (or perpendicular to the hill) and hop around. I think the tyre grab works equally good if you’re used to it.

I made a tutorial a couple of years ago (Tutorial on how to fremount a 24" and a 36" unicycle), and one of my tips for mounting a 36’er was that when you kick off you should get up on your toes. This method works even better for me now than before. I have done it so many times that my ancle feels stronger and more stable. My 36’er static mount must be close to a 100% now.

That’s the most helpful video I’ve seen on freemounting. Thanks

Same for me! The muniaddict/unigeezer video on the previous page is also very well done and a lot of people really like that one. I’ve been trying for a while to figure out if they’re doing it two different ways, or just thinking and talking about the same thing differently. I’m still not sure but I have a hunch that Terry’s might be better for people with lots of fast-twitch fibers and UniMyra’s better for the slow-twitch crowd.

Answering the initial question, I had a sort of modified rollback mount going after a few weeks–without much backward rolling, using commitment and momentum to go straight into forward riding. That one was never super dependable but I put it to good use it for a while, and I did lots of curb mounting too. The static mount came pretty easily a couple of months later, once I was well clear of the burning quads stage. That has a lot to do with learning to control my weight on the saddle, a big deal both for taking stress off the legs while riding and for counterbalancing pedal torque when mounting.

Static mounting is a rare skill that I didn’t learn first on a 20" unicycle. Keeping the wheel steady while boosting myself up using the rear pedal came more easily at first with a 24" wheel. It wasn’t as touchy as the 20", where the wheel has very little inertia and the pedal has more leverage and just about any load turns it.

I went onto shorter cranks to try and reduce the roll back pressure on the pedal during mounting.
It didn’t remove the problem - but it helped a little.

Yes, if the word “useful” can ever be applied to a unicycle skill, the static mount would be that skill! it is probably the quickest mount, and the one requiring the least space. It is thus good for muni, for riding in crowds and for sports such as hockey, basketball and [American] football. It is also the best one for mounting larger wheels. That fact that I am far more comfortable with the rollback mount becomes a real problem when I try to ride anyone’s 36. Though I can always make it work eventually, there was one 36 that shot out behind me at least 4 or 5 meters!

Right from the beginning I started with a curb mount. (I still start my usual ride from outside my house that way.)

Then I tried the roll back which seemed to require the unlikely ability to ride backwards, even briefly. Then the gravity defying step up which seemed implausible. I decided both techniques were being explained by riders who had forgotten the difficulty of learning and started working on my own technique from first principles.

I came up with something less refined but essentially similar to UniMyra’s classic video linked earlier in this thread. As I posted on UniMyra’s video thread, the only improvement I could suggest was that he had posted it a couple of months earlier. Anyway the video really helped me advance.

I began by holding a fence as I tried to balance the forces on the pedal and saddle. I would grip a post and run my forearm along the top rail, providing resistance to both rolling and twist. As I got control of the twist I graduated to just holding signposts, relying less and less on them until I didn’t need the support any more.

Consequently, for me, a static mount was a somewhat inevitable starting point. I continued to experiment with the saddle versus pedal pressure, especially as I upsized unis, realising that the roll back and rolling mounts were really just variations of the same mount with unbalanced pressures.

At the time I was normally a “handsfree” rider so I held the fence with my dominant right and the seat with my left hand. Consequently I still free mount holding with the left and then swap to my right hand on the seat once I get going. I should make some effort to change this I guess but it isn’t really a problem where I ride.

How long did it take? I started riding in January 2014. UniMyra’s video was that July. In the 10 km race at the Australian championships in October, it took me several attempts over half a minute to successfully mount my 24 at the starting line as everyone else rode off.

Free mounting is very useful but I advise that new riders don’t fret too much over it. It will come more easily as other skills develop, particularly the momentary still stand.

One suggestion is to try mounting a bigger uni. Everything happens so slowly on a bigger uni so the technique is easier to understand, although the effort increases because you must jump higher. Mounting a smaller uni is a breeze afterwards.

Also note that will smaller unis, the mount is more or less a single action. On my 29 I find that I need to actively adjust for side balance during the mount because it takes a relatively long time.

The irony is that free mounting becomes more plausible as one’s riding skills improve and the need to mount so often declines.

I ditto that. I don’t UPD that often, so I don’t really get the chance to practice it. Especially with the 36", it is too tiring to practice free-mounting anyways, so I get on as quickly as possible (which is maybe 5 out of 10 tries)and then ride until the end of the trip.

A few more advanced mounting skills worth mentioning here - kind of hybrid mounts. I agree that the static mount is the most useful, but I have some slight variations on it, which make it even more useful I think:

  1. I can do a pure static mount if I have to, but my stock mount involves a very slight forward roll of the wheel before I “jump” up - kind of a combi static/rolling mount. Means you can put a little bit of pressure on the back pedal and makes getting onto a bigger wheel easier.
  2. Static mount to hop rather than to riding off - not only so you can mount in a different direction and hop around, but when mounting straight uphill it means you don’t have to get so far over the wheel, you can mount so your balance point is still behind the wheel and hop the wheel back under you.
  3. If you can rollback mount (or ride backwards), another variation for when you don’t quite get your weight in front of the wheel so you can ride off is to static mount and then roll the wheel slightly backwards to bring it behind you.

edit: ah, have watched your video now and see you also recommend version 1 for a bigger wheel (and also seem to use version 2 quite a bit). Though I tend to start with the pedal I have my foot on first (in my case the right pedal) slightly below horizontal so that the pedals are horizontal when I’ve done my little roll forwards.

Another thing that makes it easier to free-mount is to ride with shorter cranks for a while. Then at first it will be a bit harder, but when turning back to longer cranks, it will have become very easy.

I actually learned to freemount in about a day. I was trying to learn how to ride a unicycle and ran out of space where I was practicing and had no choice but to go out to the street for more space. Like you, I started with the curb and then I moved on from there. No one taught me a thing about it. I was totally on my own, and I really think that was the best. That was 30 years ago. If I were to try to learn today, it would take a lot longer. I don’t learn as fast as I did back then, I’m not anywhere near the shape I was in then, and I’m a lot more worried about injury. Everybody’s different. I ran into a guy last Sunday that told me it took him 7 months to learn to ride. There’s only one thing that matters, and that’s to keep practicing. How long it takes is really a matter or how fast you learn to do things and how much time you put into it. Aside from casual conversation and mild curiosity, I wouldn’t worry too much about how long it takes to learn x,y, or z. If you can learn to freemount at all, even some of the time, just go ride. When you stop or UPD, just try to freemount until you get back up. Over time, it will come, and I think that’s more fun that just practicing freemounts all day. If you have more fun, you’ll be more likely to keep going.

I make up games.

100% agree! That’s what it is all about, having fun. I make up games like “Two mount new mount”. Each time I DM I have to have to try a new mount I am working on twice before I can go to one of my old reliable mounts.

If I am on my 19" and I am about 75% of the time I never just ride. I play around or as someone on here called it “Larking” (I love that term), doing the skills I have down well like idling and hopping, and mix in skills I am working on like SIF riding & hopping, backwards riding and rolling hops. For me that is more enjoyable then just hammering it out on 1 skill. Just having fun.

Another game to play is "Ride a skinny on the crack or ya break your Momma’s back. Hop over the stick or you break your Poppa’s back.

Question for DaUniGuy:

I’m going to be at Table Rock Lake in a couple weeks. You mentioned gravel bar riding. What size wheel do you think is best for this cutting-edge form of unicycling? I’m leaning towards my 19" trials, because it’s easier to travel with. Also, I assume there are ‘trialsy’ features to riding along the shoreline, such as fallen trees. Then again, my 26" mUni rolls over things better. Your thoughts?

Back problems run in my family, and it is apparently my fault. I (and my old lady) am safe, though, as I have not bred.

Actually either one would work. But if it was me, and I could only bring one it would be my 19” equinox (my personal favorite).

Most of the gravel bars on flat creek where I go are only a couple hundred yard long so you won’t be getting any long distance riding. I was down over Memorial Day and we have had some pretty good flooding down there. The gravel was really soft and made for some tough riding. Now that we are in a drought it should be a little firmer. It is very much a trials/muni riding, or” trimuni”. It is more about doing sessions on different lines. You may find some good places close to where you are staying along the shore line on the Corp take buy the lake.

Another fun ride is the Table Rock Lakeshore Trail. It is paved and runs along the lake past the Branson Bell, and by the access point the Ducks use to get on Table Rock lake. It is very pretty and runs along the lake and is a nice place to show off for the tourist.LOL.

I am going to try to be down over the 4th of July. I will have my 19” and could bring my 24” oracle muni you could try. I will PM you as the date gets closer.

Here is a link to some of the trails available in the ares.

Ha! I think I learned in one of the most difficult ways. I started on the grass just attempting to mount and go. I tried the curb mount but I dunno… maybe I’m a little slow but I just couldn’t wrap my head around how people were able to mount using the curb. I spent about three days free mounting and attempting to go across the lawn from there, then one I was able to hit the dip in my lawn more regularly I moved to the street. So I guess 5 days to free mount and a month to be able to reliably get on and go.

We will also be there over the 4th of July, as well as the two weeks following the 4th. I brought my 19" Equinox, because it’ll be easier to pack on the plane going back. My 19" is also my “go to” unicycle. If I had to have one unicycle, that’d be it. I have a feeling riding on the gravel bars is going to be hard and not particularly gratifying; but it sounds like good exercise. Give me a call/text before you come down to the lake, and we’ll hook up.

This is an old thread. However…
You know how some people just mount really beautifully? Well…

Breakthrough for me! In the last 2 weeks I’ve tamed the static mount on the 26"! Prior to that I always had a sense that I wasn’t fully confident with doing it. This is after riding for 18 months. Succeeding with a couple of free mounts on a 36" uni brings it into perspective. Getting onto a 26" is a piece of cake in comparision!

Maybe I try some sort of mount variation now…?

I think what has also helped me was that I had been exclusively riding the 26" for a while, like 4 weeks, instead of riding a mix of uni sizes.

For anyone who comes here looking for freemount help, I’m going to (perhaps pointlessly) comment on some of the earlier posts here. But mounting hasn’t change since 2016, so hopefully there’s some relevance…

I think I also learned freemounting from the Schwinn manual (1979). I don’t remember curb starts being very difficult, but their example for mounting in the open was the rollback mount. That took a while, due to the obvious “rolling back” part. That’s not the best mount to start with in the open, but it does start introducing you to idling and riding backward.

If that’s true for someone leaning today, I would suggest you probably have your seat too low. Try to avoid that, because in the learning stages, the more your legs are bent, the quicker your quads will burn out.

Your kids probably learned freemounting faster for two reasons: 1: They were kids. 2: They got better at riding, perhaps, before worrying too much about the freemount. This made learning the mount easier. But mostly because they were kids. :slight_smile:

Idling is not impossible. You might have some mental baggage getting in your way, but it’s a pretty basic skill. Easier on a smaller wheel; use a 19" or 20" if you have one available. The bottom foot does all the work; all the pushing and all the stopping. You have to pedal a big enough arc to be able to push that pedal the opposite way, and not do it too fast. Meanhile, hold onto a support, as lightly as possible, and work on your side-to-side balance. Combine this with trying to ride backwards. I’m guessing you haven’t learned that. If you have, idling should come very quickly if you focus on it.

I guess it starts out that way. Most people end up doing what I call a “Dead Spot Mount”. This is where one foot is at the bottom. It’s easier to hold the pedal there, but much harder to ride away from that position (which is why it’s called the Dead Spot). People push forward, get their other foot on the top pedal, and can’t go anywhere because they’re only just balanced. They didn’t let themselves rotate a little bit ahead of top dead center. That’s why it’s a lousy way to freemount.

Perhaps that’s why Schwinn recommended a rollback mount in their manual. It breaks the ice on rolling backward (and idling), by instructing you to push the wheel half a rotation to the rear. This puts your other pedal in a position when you can apply power to it, and if you’ve rolled back enough, you have to go! But it’s hard too.

That’s a great way to describe how you do it. It feels sketchy as hell at first, but really, what you’re going for is just to hold your knee joint at that specific angle while you swing up onto the uni. Don’t let it bend in either direction, and you’re golden. This is easier said than done – it gets a lot easier as your legs build up to meet the effort of riding the unicycle.

I can’t remember the time period of my learning to freemount. Probably not very fast. But then again, it took me a very long time to learn to ride. I started in 1976 (I think) on a junky, department store 16" uni with a hard plastic tire. I could ride it a little bit, but then it kind of fell apart. I was unable to keep the wheel from stopping against the fork when I tried to make turns, so that was it for three years. Then my neighbor got a Schwinn Giraffe, and eventually, the rest was history…

about 2-3 months to get to 80% reliability “rocking back”

I gave up on the “standard 3 and 9 0’clock method”, and learned doing the “rock back” method.

The rock back method seemed more natural and more safer:
1.) Putting weight down on the pedal foot felt natural, and the unicycle isn’t going anywhere/or slipout.
2.) Getting up(pausing/rocking back to stabilize) before going forward made sense.
3.) This has led to my learning how to idle and ride backwards.

I can do the standard 3/9 o’clock method, but I hate it because:
1.) The learning process involves a few devastating “unicycle kick outs”. Falling straight down onto your knees or onto the nimbus pedal aluminum spikes.
2.) It feels like you have to do five actions simultaneously(zero weight on pedal foot, roll up, perfect transfer weight to both pedals, lean forward, go).
3.) You have to re-learn it for uphill or downhill facing mounts.
4.) Didn’t do crap for learning idling or riding backwards.

Just my humble opinion. I’m sure 90% of you riders learned the standard method. If I stuck with that, I would have continued to hurled my unicycle into the air until it broke.