Hockey Tournament Manchester (UK) Saturday 10th December

Hi Simon,

If you can get the 10.11am train from Sheffield, arriving in Stockport at 10.53, then I’ll be able to pick you up at the train station. Let us know if that’s OK?

I’ll also be able to drop you back at the station after the hockey. It seems the trains run 1/2 hourly to Sheffield so you shouldn’t have any problems getting home.

Let us know if you want me to pick you up, plus confirm that I’ve got the times right.

Pleased to hear you can make it on Saturday.
Email me your mobile number just in case.


Direction to Uni Hockey hall

Once you’ve found your way to Egerton Park Community College you’ll be able to find us by using the map below.

Just in case you missed a previous post, then here’s the postcode again.

M34 3PB (Multimap and the likes usually does the biz)

Down the long flight of steps to the bus station could be quite entertaining…

Would there be any space in your vehicle for another bod? If so I would be much obliged!



Hi Kit,

No probs. I’m picking Simon up at 11am ish outside the station so I’ll see you there. Either PM me or email me your mobile number, just in case there’s any problems.

See you sat,

Er …agreed, although I might well seek out a route with rather less bumps myself. :wink:
Sadly I cannot be there on the day, but best wishes to all, and hi to the few that I actually have met.

Having decided it was too far I now really want to go. Can I justify 9 hours in the car :thinking:

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it either, which is even more annoying seeing as I’ll be in Manchester on saturday…
Have Fun!

You can if you stop over at our place Saturday night, with the option of a 2 hour muni ride Sunday morning before heading home. There’s quite a few others also stopping over and riding the following morning. Let us know if you would like to stop over. Don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag and mattress.

Hope to see you there Saturday.


Where’s the Muni ride on Sunday going to be?

We’ll be riding around Rivington, just North of Horwich. We’ll be making our way up to the Pike and then riding through the terraced gardens before heading down to the reservoir and along to the castle. It’ll possibly be a 10.30am start (weather permitting). Pete and yourself are more than welcome to come along, so let us know on Sat if you think you’ll be able to make it. The ride will be a couple of hours long.


I shall give it a ponder. However after a night of work followed by an afternoon of uni-hoki then another night of work followed by a morning Muni ride might be a bit much!


does anyone know what time it starts?

steves first post says 12 - 6 so unless things have changed I guess its still that - the four of us coming from derby will be arriving around then anyway so you won’t be alone at that time :slight_smile: See you all tomrrrow


cheers roland
if only i could read properly :thinking: lol

Cheers Steve.

If I can haul my ass out of bed early enough then I’ll take you up on that. I’ll pack the Muni. :sunglasses:

Thanks guys. It was a blast.

Obviously I have now got a new obsession. I didn’t know that you could have so much fun with a hockey stick.


I’ve put some photos here


Thanx for the pics. Are we going to get a complete, blow-by-blow report of the tournament?
Did the organisers think to invite Mikefule?