Hi It's my first day as an unicyclist.

Today my nimbus II just was shipped. and I assembled it there was ‘left’ and ‘right’ stickers on frame and cranks and pedals. so it was so easy

there had arisen a question. How do you tell not given those stickers?

It seems just same when I see in the front and rear side of the frame, and cranks. Are you guys able to discern it?? :thinking:

Anyway. it’s going to be rainy for other few days from today. :frowning: Could I learn it inside home?

Inside the home could be a bit tricky.
Is it your home?
Do you live with your parents?

Make sure you’re standing behind the frame (look for the slot cut in the back of the seat-bracket) and that left is left and right is right.
The pedals should have the letters stamped on them somewhere as well, look closely.

Welcome to the forum.

I second your welcome.
You can learn anywhere with a flat surface. Just make sure there is no vases or babies about, actually it is advisable to pick all babies up off the floor and put all vases in another room before practicing.

As for riding the uni back to front, your pedals will fall off, or cranks. Unless of course you are sitting on the uni forwards and riding it backwards. If that is the case then you are doing a trick, congratulations.


Start out on a flat surface near a wall! Then have fun. :smiley: Congrats!

In addition to the pedals, the cranks should also be stamped with a R and L for right and left.

I’d wait until it stops raining because even for me, when that uni comes out from under me it comes flying sometimes. Especially when you get going.

I just got checked my thread.

Thanks for helps.

Not as forecasted to be rain, it was sunny, at least cloudy. so I tried my unicycle this afternoon and was somewhat challenge…:smiley:

Yes, welcome, the challenge is what makes it worthwhile. Just remember the advice about babies.


You are supposed to peel those off and put them on your feet (okay, not really).

Welcome to the forums and to the world of unicycling. Since our friend Dave (GILD) has apparently fallen asleep at the wheel, let me be the one to add that “that’s one more of us and one fewer of them.”

As for the rain, it depends on your pedals. Some get REALLY slippery when wet. A foot slipping off can create a bad kind of fall – random, painful things can happen – much worse than simply losing your balance, where you tend to land on your feet. So stay dry! Have fun!

I normally only do that once somebody’s ridden roughly 50ft.

And it’s “one more of us and one less of them”, not …“fewer…”


Wahoo! another rookie!!! :slight_smile: I’ve been learning in my house. I just set up chairs all over the place. then… fall on my face :wink:

Welcome to the forum Mizasquare and congrats on the nice new Nimbus II :slight_smile:

The frame tends to have a slit where the seat post slides in to allow the frame to pinch tight when you tighten up the seat post clamp. The slit is typically at the rear of the frame. Cranks are stamped with ‘L’ and ‘R’ but if you’re a bit savvy you can closely inspect the thread direction on the cranks and pedals and work it out. Of course, if you learn to pedal backwards you’ll discover it’s still possible for your pedals to unscrew if you don’t keep them tightened!

If you’ve got room indoors then go for it but be warned…it’s possible to for you to fall one way and the unicycle to shoot off in the other direction so move any breakables. Here’s hoping for lots of good weather for you to get outside practicing.


Thread resurrection! Notice that Mizasquare got his Nimbus II almost five years ago. And a quick scan of most recent posts from his user statistics reveals that he sold it a few months later when he left the country and hasn’t returned to the site since.

SmileySam, it’s one of those rite-of-passage things for newbies. Uni Lateral, I expected more from you. :):):slight_smile:

Doh…schoolboy error. I’ll get my coat… :o


Oh oops lol

LOL… love it.