any unicyclists on long island in new york? i learned to ride when i was 10, and recently have gotten back on. i’m still a beginer but i learn pretty fast. well anyway, i’m new here waves and would love any advice or pointers etc to up my skills.
i also love new friends
Hey If I wonder that far south I will give you a yell, It is looking like I may be spending a bit of time in the states.
There should be quite a few riders in your area. You could check out the unicycle roster but I don’t think the e-mail feature works
check out The Map
Sort of old eh?
I live Right outside of hauppauge.
There are a few of us on the island, but i’m not quite sure how many are on the forums.
I might be down for a ride…
You should check out . There is a unicycle wherehouse in old bethpage I believe, owned by adam cohen. Check it out!
oh nice, im near glen cove. i’m still beggining and haven’t gotten any tricks or anything exciting down. i just started cycling in parking lots again, and christ do my legs hurt lol. if you want to chat or something my aim is : liz with 2 zs
oh cool roster. thanks so much, i contacted a few people around my area.!
dude, that coker video is one of the coolest things i have ever seen
I go to Stony Brook University, unfortunatly for the time being i am out of a unicycle until my new one arrives from JustoneWheel.
If your up for a little bit of a commute you can come to the Unatics Club meeting in Manhatten. Theres information on this site.