Help with 4x4 Rubik's Cube

Hey guys,

Can anyone help me with my 4x4 cube. I can do a 3x3 and a 5x5. I can get the 4x4 into 3x3 mode and solve the first ‘two’ layers but funny things keep happening in the last layer. Like only one edge needs flipping instead of the regular two, or two diagonal edges need swapping.

I have only solved it twice and a friend has also solved it twice out of a total of about 30 attemps.

It came with instructions but they are in french and all we could discypher was something about 50%, does that mean the cube isn’t solveable every time?

Please help :slight_smile:

There’s some ‘special’ algorithms for even numbered cubes (4x4, 6x6, etc), because since even numbered cubes don’t have set centers, sometimes weird stuff like that happens.

These two algorithms will help you (do them on a solved 4x4 to see the effects)

r ² U ² r ² U ² u ² r ² u ²
r ² B ² U ² l U ² r ’ U ² r U ² F ² r F ² l ’ B ² r ²

The first one is for only two edges OR two corners that need to be switched, and the second one is for one edge that needs to be flipped.

Awesome. Thanks heaps :slight_smile:

Way back I was able to solve the 4x4. I had a reliable way of flipping the edges as necessary. The centers gave me trouble though if they were out of sorts. I could reorient them but it messed up much of the rest of the cube. So I resorted to numbering the centers so I could get them right.

Now I can’t remember any of my special 4x4 moves. I couldn’t solve it now. And JPs chicken scratches mean nothing to me.

I still have two of the original Rubik’s Revenge puzzles, but they’re very loose. Then I have a newer 4x4 by some other company along with two 5x5s. So sad that I can’t solve them any more.

i say just take of the coloured stickers and change them around

You know how unicyclists hate it when you say, “where’s your other wheel?”
the “I just switch the stickers around” is the “where’s your other wheel” for cubers.

well its true, thats what i’d do… i cant even do a 3x3 cube… not that ive ever put in much effort to try… i have a very short attention span :stuck_out_tongue:


I wouldn’t if I were you. One of my friends did that so many times that now I call his “THE DEMENTED CUBE.”

you could just take it apart and put it back together done so that you dont wreck your stickers haha but you gotta know how to put it back together

I can solve a 3x3 and a 5x5, and I have also solved a 4x4 a couple times.

I solved it using the same method for the 5x5, where you solve the 9 inside cubes on each side first (in this case there are only 4), and then use the same algorithms as the 5x5 to fix the edges. Then just solve it like a 3x3. I ran into problems at the end when i found it impossable to finish the last step of solving the bottom edges because they would never line up properly. I couldn’t figure out a way to fix this so I just did it all over again a few times untill it finally worked.

wow thank you!!! I know exactly what you are talking about. It drives me crazy when people say that as if it is a totally origional joke.