Help me build a tough street unicycle

RE: Help me build a tough street unicycle

> I’ve had the track bike for over two years as my main road
> bike/commute machine. I love fixed gear bikes and I’ve had a
> bunch. I
> tried last summer to ride backwards on it, but I could never get the
> hang of it. On the other hand, I can sit up no handed and track-stand
> all day, but I can’t yet idle my unicycle.

It took me most of a summer to learn to ride my artistic bicycle backwards.
It takes a lot of practice. I think the comparison is similar, in that the
artistic bike has a very short wheelbase, and hence very steep fork angle. A
more spread-out bike would probably be easier. When I took my training
courses in Germany in the 80s, I was taught to sit up straight and keep my
arms stiff at the elbows to help in backward riding (which is basically done
in a circle in that sport).

Stay on top,
John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone

“How many America West maintenance personnel does it take to change a
bathroom light bulb in a 737?” Based on what I saw on the way home from
Phoenix recently, three!