Hello Uni Friends!
Now that I have my priorities straight, I find myself wondering how in the world I have survived for so many years without a helmet cam and camcorder. Stress will do an amazing amount of damage to one’s thought processes. Thankfully, I’m finding that it’s NOT PERMANENT! And luckily, I figured things out while I’m still young enough to enjoy many more years of fun.
Can anyone tell me the maximum video size allowable in the gallery? (It may be in there - I haven’t looked around much in the new system).
And the maximum total memory available for each individual gallery?
I routinely see a lot of beautiful scenery during my rides, and with the new priority structure, I’ll be doing and seeing a lot more! I would like to share some of my experiences and memories with all of you!
Care to join me as I embark on some rejuvenating vacations (you can come along, either on film or in person)? Invitations will be gladly accepted as I compile information for some badly needed R & R; many weekend’ers will tax my seemingly endless energy supply in the near future, starting with Austin (gotta ride that 5k veloway), and Corpus Christi (reported to be windsurfing heaven) when the weather turns cold. Additionally, a couple of week-long adventures WILL (and you can take it to the bank) find me traveling across the country during the next year to re-live some 20-year-old memories (one to the Grand Canyon and south to the yearly Mexican desert ride in February, and one to the Pacific Northwest; see ya there, Harper!). You’re more than welcome to ride along when I’m in your area! I’d love to have some good company. Alternatively, you can sit back and watch the movies from the comfort of your own home (if Gilby has enough space). And all you’ll have to pay for (you knew there was a catch) is the popcorn!
Any information on high capacity tapes (for a Canon ZR-90 Mini DV) would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, the longest tape that I have found is limited to 90 minutes (in LP mode, which is a bit grainy), so I will not be able to completely record one of my practice sessions in the Louisiana swamp, which now (thanks to the cooler temps, and the magnificent and very motivating track that I’ve assembled) have been gradually increased to over two hours of non-stop, adrenaline producing excitement, before running the huge fuel tank dry. I really hate to see this track go, but I’m confident that I’ll be able to duplicate it in the greener pastures that await in Lawton, Oklahoma. A sample photo of this outdoorsman’s paradise is now in my gallery. The Muni/mountain b*ke trails are located in the hills across the lake, which is about 15 miles from three major-sized dirt biking areas, and the local motocross track (that’s open during the week, under the lights), which is about 5 miles from the motorcycle trials course that will be set up in my newly purchased, huge, terraced backyard.
I look forward (eagerly) to recording a sub 1-hour 25k, on the new unibike (from my point of view), probably in Denver, with or without the back surgery. I’ll just break out the crutches for a few days afterwards.
Additionally, the Colorado rides with George Barnes and Aspen Mike will provide the gallery with some very memorable footage.
If things didn’t look strange enough before, unibiking with a motorcycle helmet, and helmet cam, will definitely look quite odd. Luckily, I have not yet grown old enough to prioritize appearances before excitement and pleasure (which, by the way, the next Mrs., wherever she is, is missing out on a helluva lot of).
Things have gotten better with the YZ 450, but only after the other fork seal blew (both since it was new in April). I’m now riding with a couple of pogo sticks up front, which makes things a little more challenging, at the landings regularly knock the wind out of me, but at least they both work the same, and the mid-air ‘drifting to the right’ has gone away. I’m keeping a very close eye on the bolts that keep the forks from falling apart. I’ll be requesting a new set of forks from Yamaha (ha, I won’t hold my breath). If I grow tired of riding with blown seals (and I won’t be replacing them, just to suffer once again from the extremely dangerous ‘no-hands mid-air drift’ as they blow one at a time) before I receive new forks, I’ll be buying Red next spring, unless a better plan surfaces between now and then. As a comparison for the motorcycle shoppers, my 91 ‘HONDA’ XR 600 that has been severely thrashed for 13 years, is still running on the original, perfectly sealed forks seals, and the 300lb tank lands a lot harder than the brand new 220lb YZ. The rest of the bike also remains ready to ride, with zero mechanical failures since it was purchased new in late 1990! (No, it’s not for sale.)