Have you unknowingly licked horse?

Ever heard the expression, they’re sending that old horse to the glue factory.

Do they actually make glue out of horses?

The other day someone saw me avoiding licking an envelope by running the water fountain over it, and said he was raised vegan, and envelope glue is made from horse. Is that true?

Today I was pulling peels that were glued onto plums and other fruit, and thinking: Am I eating horse with my fruit?

Does anyone know?

regular glue used to be made of horse(and other animal) bones(ground into powder) but not anymore, its all plastics and stuff

No. It’s actually COW nowadays…

Old horses go to the glue factory

A hundred years ago, many old horses were killed and sent to the glue factory. But today, most glue is made from the bones and hooves of cattle, which thanks to the fast-food burger places, there are a lot of these by-products to be used.

Frankly, I’m inclined to think most glues now are synthetic.

Here’s an interesting bit I stumbled on about Young Frankenstein that is glue related.

Ever looked at an Elmer’s Glue bottle?

It’s a cow…

I always thought the cow gum I used as an artist was made from cows.
Then again, It’s been around fifteen years since I’ve used some.
A quick internet search found this…

That’s interesting, yet somehow…I don’t know…


Hmm… cow parts? That must be why glue tastes so good…

I think I was more of a paste kid back in kindergarten. But, has anyone noticed, that the blue glue sticks, the ones that go on blue then dry clear so you know what you have covered in glue. They smell like coke, or Dr. Pepper.

I don’t go around sniffing glue stick, but I just noticed it one day, actually it was back in Elementary, when a friend came up to me and was like “Smell this”, so I did and was like “Woah! It smells like pop!” lol

well i’ve knowingly licked a horse

I agree glue does taste good does anyone else agree

Personally, I was more of a catfood-kid than a glue-eater :roll_eyes:

I ate antique furniture, fingers from bus drivers, good sized chunks of concrete, and dead oppossa but would never consider licking a horse. That’s just gross.

i agree. it tastes really good, especially stick glue. i rekon it smells better than it tastes though. not that im a drugo or anything.:wink:

Burjzyntski wrote:

Do you know that the fancy different cat food flavours all taste the same!
Don’t ask me how I came by this information. :o

you don’t eat our meat but you glue with our feet LOL

I’m adding this to the confession thread, if you don’t mind…

if glue was made from a horse then shouldnt the horse be sticky?
and does the same apply to seahorses?

hah i dont want to lick envelopes now

if yer talkin waterproof glue…